Hi list!

I have been able to sort this one out myself. It seems, that the -- 
--overwrite-data-of-peer only works, when the resource has the state 
outdated. sometimes it happens, that not all resources get that status 
before the machine is going down hard. in such cases, sone DRBD outdated 
some secondary/unknown in consistent state (from what drbd knows about 
it), you need to outdate the resource manually before recovering it. a 
simple drbdadm outdate all followed by a drbdadm -- 
--overwrite-data-of-peer primary all  gives you back full access to your 
data when the other node is missing.
Hope this helps.

Robert Köppl
Linux-HA mailing list
See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

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