
In my logs I get these messages like this:

Feb 7 18:23:57 ha-test-1 lrmd: [2000]: info: RA output: (rg1:fpbs1:start:stderr) Filedescriptor 3 left open File descriptor 4 left open File descriptor 5 left open File descriptor 6 left open File descriptor 7 left open File descriptor 8 left open File descriptor 10 left open

Now I have two questions:

1. The message indicates that I have to make sure that all open files
   are closed.  Would it be enough to do this in the bash scripts:
     exec < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1
   Or would it be okay if when starting a process, to just do:
   process < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 &
2. If I don't make sure all filedescriptors are closed, will then
   the open files persist until there are "too many open files"?
   Could it be that this message is a result:
crm_attribute: [32702]: ERROR: socket_client_channel_new: socket: Too many open files


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