On 05/04/2011 10:52 AM, Darren Thompson wrote:
> Florian/Team
> I have now updated my "re-based" ocf file to include the "experimental"
> support for upstart and systemd using containers.
> I can confirm that this is still working correctly for containers
> running 'sysv init' and "in theory" should now also work for containers
> using 'upstart' and 'systemd'.
> I'm currently doing a "crash course' in installing containers to use
> these 'init replacments' but have not yet succedded in testing either
> 'upstart' or 'systemd' containers yet.
> If there is anyone with a better understanding of LXC containers and
> one/both of these other 'init systems', please contact me as your
> information/assistance would be invaluable.

OK, updated my git branch. You really want to double check your
"rebasing" method; you're constantly re-introducing things that I've
removed or fixed in earlier commits.


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