
I just joined the list because I got a tip that you are
discussing this 'buggy message' thing from the kernel.

I'm building an APRS digipeater (DIGI_NED) and I get
complaints about these messages too from my users. I'm
running RH 5.2 with 2.0.36 so I can not realy debug it
since this 'buggy' thing only shows up in the new kernel.

On Tue, Jun 27, 2000 at 09:53:05AM +0200, Joerg Reuter wrote: 

> I'll take a look where it happens. 

Strange, I cannot find a reason for this behaviour. At least 
skb->protocol gets set correctly in all places. We either 
have memory corruption here or a weird race condition. I've 
observed the same messages with 'listen' running, thus it's not 
'ax25digi' causing it. There are reports for this happening with 
_every_ AX.25 network device driver, hence it isn't the mkiss 
driver. Weird. 

vy 73, 

I did some searching on the Internet before and got the impression
that the problem was in af_packet. I assume ax25digi will also use
raw packets, just like DIGI_NED and just like net2kiss. Also listen
uses raw packets - but only reception and I strongly suspect that
transmission of raw packets causes this.

I can show you how I open the sockets and send/receive the packets.
I stole the principal from the 'net2kiss' code of the AX.25 utils.

1) Opening the socket for reception and transmission
 * Initialize access to MAC layer
 * returns: 0 if MAC layer cannot be found
 *          1 if MAC layer is found in memory
short init_mac(void)
    struct sockaddr  sa;
    ports_t         *prt_p;
    short            i;

    /* general startup, done once */
    if (ax25_config_load_ports() == 0) {
        say("ERROR: problem with axports file\r\n");
        return 0;

    /* convert axport to device and open transmitter sockets */
    for(i = 0; i < lnx_port_nr; i++)
        prt_p = &(lnx_port[i]);

        if ((prt_p->dev_p = ax25_config_get_dev(prt_p->port_p)) == NULL)
            say("ERROR: invalid port name - %s\r\n", prt_p->port_p);
            return 0;

        /* do transmitter side */
        prt_p->s_out = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_PACKET, htons(ETH_P_AX25));
        if (prt_p->s_out < 0)
            perror("tx socket");
            return 0;

        bzero(&sa,sizeof(struct sockaddr));
        strcpy(sa.sa_data, prt_p->dev_p);
        sa.sa_family = AF_INET;
        if (bind(prt_p->s_out, &sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) < 0)
            return 0;

    /* open receive socket, one receiver will do for al ports  */
     * Use ETH_P_AX25 because with PF_AX25 we also will read the data
     * that we transmit ourselfs, that's useless!
    lnx_s_in = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_PACKET, htons(ETH_P_AX25));
    if (lnx_s_in < 0)
        perror("rx socket");
        return 0;

    return 1;
- note that I previously used ETH_P_ALL instead of ETH_P_AX25,
  I don't know for sure if using ETH_P_AX25 still triggers the
  'buggy' messages.
- It seems that I need the 'bind' because without it I get
  NET: messages. Transmission works find without the 'bind' though
  (but gives 'buggy' messages on new kernels).

2) Receiving
/* AX25_MAC call to retrieve RX data */
short mac_inp(frame_t far *frame_p)
    struct sockaddr  from;
    unsigned int     from_len;
    char             data[MAX_FRAME_LENGTH + 1];
    int              data_length;
    int              i;
    ports_t         *prt_p;

    from_len = sizeof(from);
    data_length = recvfrom(lnx_s_in, data, MAX_FRAME_LENGTH + 1, 0,
                                                            &from, &from_len);

    if(data_length < 0) {
        if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
            return -1;
        say("Error returned from \"recvfrom\" in function mac_inp()\r\n");

    if(data_length < 2)
        return -1; /* short packet */

    if(data[0] != 0)
        return -1; /* not a data packet */


    memcpy(frame_p->frame, &(data[1]), data_length);
    frame_p->len  = data_length;

    /* find out from which port this came */
    for(i = 0; i < lnx_port_nr; i++)
        prt_p      = &(lnx_port[i]);

        if(strcmp(prt_p->dev_p, from.sa_data) == 0)
            /* found it! */
            frame_p->port = i;
            return 0;

    /* data on a port we don't use for DIGI_NED */
    return -1;
- Before reception I have a 'select' elsewhere to see if there
  is data to be received.
- This method is the same as used by 'listen' (concept stolen
  with pride).

3) Transmitting
/* AX25_MAC call to put TX data in the MAC layer */
short mac_out(frame_t far *frame_p)

    struct sockaddr  to;
    char             data[MAX_FRAME_LENGTH + 1];
    int              res;
    ports_t         *prt_p;

    prt_p = &(lnx_port[(short) frame_p->port]);

    bzero(&to,sizeof(struct sockaddr));
    to.sa_family = AF_INET;
    strcpy(to.sa_data, prt_p->dev_p);

    data[0] = 0; /* this is data */
    memcpy(&data[1], frame_p->frame, frame_p->len);

    res = sendto(prt_p->s_out, data, frame_p->len + 1, 0, &to, sizeof(to));
    if (res >= 0)
            return 0;
    if (errno == EMSGSIZE) {
            vsay("Sendto: packet (size %d) too long\r\n", frame_p->len + 1);
            return -1;
    if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
            vsay("Sendto: busy\r\n", frame_p->len);
            return -1;
    return -1;
- no specific comment here. I added 'bzero' later but that did
  not make a difference for the 'buggy' messages.

This code seems to trigger the 'buggy' messages, at least if on
opening the socket "ETH_P_ALL" is used. I resently changed it
since I don't want to hear my own packet back but I do not
know if it bypasses the 'buggy' message. Maybe it helps to find
out why this happens. On the internet I could find that some
totally unrelated software - I think it was apple networking
stuff - caused the same 'buggy' messages.

Anyway, my kernel-hacking knowledge is to limited to find out
myself what is causing is.

In the original code this is surrounded by #ifdef/#else/#endif
because the software runs in DOS too. If you want full functional
source, it is available at:


DIGI_NED is a rule based digipeater with a lot of functions. I
need this raw access to do all kind of manipulations with the
digipeater path. I also get raw frames from the DOS MAC-layer
if DOS compile is used so using raw frames makes the difference
between DOS and Linux very small.

If there is a better way to send and receive raw AX.25 frames,
please let me know.

Kind regards,


The difference between theory and practice in practice is bigger than
the difference between theory and practice in theory.

Henk de Groot                    |  Tel: +31 53 4505400     Ext: 5400
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |  Ericsson Business Mobile Networks

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