 | If you don't speak Spanish, see English translation below |

Buenas a todos,

el presente mensaje es para poner a disposicion de quien pueda
interesar un pequeño parche que he desarrollado que aplicado a las
ax25-utils-2.1.42a de Linux (con el parche de Craig Small para
compilar con glibc2) que permite usar varias TNCs 6PACK en anillo,
usando para ello un solo puerto serie (al estilo de flexnet)

El parche esta en estado Beta. Yo he probado con dos TNCs en anillo
(no tengo mas que dos ;-) y parece que funciona satisfactoriamente. No
obstante me gustaria que lo probara todo el mundo que pudiera estar
interesado en el para corregir posibles problemas y hacer el
lanzamiento definitivo cuanto antes de forma que se pueda integrar en
la siguiente version de las ax25-utils.

El parche (ademas del parche de Craig Small) se puede conseguir en:


Basicamente funciona igual que las utilidades mkiss y kissattach ya
conocidas, pero para TNCs con 6PACK.

Recuerda que esto es software LIBRE y que no tiene NINGUNA
GARANTIA. La unica garantia que puedo ofrecer es que seguro que hay
errores (Murphy dixit).


(Excuse my English, it's not even my second language)

Hi everybody,

this is to present the first public beta release of a small utility I
have developed (as a patch to ax25-utils-2.1.42a + Craig Small's glibc
patch) that allows the use of 6PACK TNC rings, like flexnet does.

This is still beta software. I have tested it with two TNCs in a ring
(I only have two TNCs available ;-) and it seems to work ok. But I
would like anybody interested to give it a try and keep me informed
about any succes/problems you may find. The idea is to get the utility
in the mainstream version of ax25-utils.

The patch (plus Craig's patch in case you need it) can be found at:


(if you don't speak Spanish, just click on the third link available on
the page).

This is basically a clone of mkiss & kissattach adapted to 6PACK's
peculiarities, so using it shouln't be too difficult.

Remember this is FREE SOFTWARE and it comes with NO WARRANTY at
all. The only warranty i can offer is _there are_ bugs in it (Murphy


73's. EB2EBU. Iñaki.

  PGP Key available at http://web.jet.es/inaki.arenaza/pgpkey.html
  Linux Registered User #44369

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