if are a bank-leumi customer and want to work via the internet - just ask them to grant you access. don't let them sell you any "digital services" extra thing - it appears to be beneficial only if you do a LOT of transactions every month - and by doing a lot of transactions, you save peanuts per transaction - but you pay much more in total - and you perform operations that anyone other then a day-trader has no reason to do - and day-traders would do much better to open an account with a private investing bank - they take _much_ lower payments per transaction.

regarding _doing_ stocks/bonds/whatever transactions - as i said, it doesn't work with firefox on linux. when i wrote to them about it a long time ago - they mumbled something about not supporting firefox. i didn't see any change in their policy since then. i do the transactions via IE6 running on win98 (that's the last version of windows i bought) running inside a virtual machine. it works, albeit not too nicely (a lot of refreshes that make it quite painfully slow).


Rafi Gordon wrote:

First thanks a lot for your detailed answer.

p.s. why do you want to register to their "digital services"? it looks like
a rip-off.

I do not know much about their "digital services", it was once offered
to me and they could not answer me at that time whether they support
firefox or not, so I did not asked for further any details about their services.

I thought of using their "digital services" for  buying/selling stocks and
also performing deposits (hafkadot) to pakam (though rarely used recently).


On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 2:52 PM, guy keren <c...@actcom.co.il> wrote:
Rafi Gordon wrote:
 I saw that Bank Leumi web site  is alleged to
finally support FireFox under Linux.

I would like to hear if anyone has had any experience with it lately.
I don't want to use
ie6 and I would like to get feedback about accessing
Bank Leumi web site with FireFox under Linux before subscribing to
their digital services. (I don't have Windows, so the option
of accessing bank leumi site from internet explorer is not relevant for

they work for simple operations (see what's going in your account, read
letters, etc.).

their trading services do NOT work with firefox under linux. you can see
your portfolio - but you cannot buy/sell and you cannot view specific
stocks. plus you keep get an error popup every minute while just viewing
your portfolio staying "News not found" (you get the same popup if you try
to click on any java-script-based button in the trading part of their site).

note: it does with with IE6 on windows 98 (albeit with some problems here
and there).

p.s. why do you want to register to their "digital services"? it looks like
a rip-off.


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