On Sunday 22 March 2009 15:28:19 Nadav Har'El wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 22, 2009, Shlomi Fish wrote about "[hackers-il] [Slightly OT] 
Improved MS-Windows Console - https://sourceforge.net/projects/console":
> > Today I had to some work on one of my open-source projects on Windows.
> > After using the default console window for a while, I thought I wanted to
> > die. Then after searching Google for "windows console" I found this:
> >
> > http://sourceforge.net/projects/console
> On Windows, I usually use cygwin, and run "zsh" as my console. 

Well, zsh is not a console - it is a shell. Generally, you open a console 
window and on top of it run a shell like bash, zsh, Win32's cmd.exe, etc. The 
point of my link is that it is a FOSS program that replaces the hideous MSWin 
console window with a more decent alternative. On top of it you can run 
CMD.EXE , cygwin's bash and I presume that zsh too. (I didn't try, but I don't 
see why it shouldn't work). 

> This not
> only do tab completion and history the way I want it, but is basically
> the full shell I love on Unix and Linux, and I can use all the normal Unix
> utilities (less, rm, etc.) and not their broken MS-Windows counterparts.

I also prefer to use bash on cygwin, but:

1. Would still run it under this improved "Console".

2. Sometimes using bash/zsh on cygwin is not an option because it confuses 
MinGW32 and other native Win32 programs. I recently got an error when trying 
to build my program using MinGW32 because sh.exe was in the path. So I had to 
use CMD.EXE for that.


        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/

God gave us two eyes and ten fingers so we will type five times as much as we

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