Hello list!

I just cannot resist this ...

At long last my area (Shavei Shomron) has ADSL. I picked up my ADSL modem, an Alcatel Speedtouch 510,from Bezeq this morning.

In view of the problems with ADSL which have been reported from titme to time on the list, I thought that I'd get it going on my Win 2K partition first, and then bite the Linux bullet later. My assumption was that if there were any problems, we all know that "... we only support Windows XX".

Fine, in goes another network card, the modem gets hooked up and bingo! We have everything installed. And bingo! Nothing works. So we call Internet Zahav support. Their support personfirst changed the login name and then guided me through setting up another ADSL dialler icon thingy. And bingo! It didn't work. After futzing around another half hour, he informed me that the modem was apparently setup as a router (not suitable), and I should contact Beseq Support ...

.. whose recorded message advised that they had a long backlog of waiting calls. Please try again later.

Just for the fun of it, I booted into my "normal" environment - SuSE Linux (now 9.1), ran up YaST and within 3 minutes had my second network card and the ADSL device recognised and configured. (I took all the defaults for now; we'll play firewalls and the like later.)

Taking a deep breath, I clicked the Kinternet button ... and it all worked, first shot!

And come to think of it, the router setup is probably just what I need.

Anyway, I left a "Thank you" message for the nice support person at Internet Zahav with the above details.

It made my day, and maybe it might also for a few more folk hesitant about giving it a try.



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