> Hi list!
> Plonter sells LG's LNIC-1000/SX fibre gig card, for roughly 150$-200$
> cheaper than 3com's 3C985 or Intel's PRO/gig adapter.
> http://www.lgnetwork.com/css/product/information/product_html/lnic-1000sx-1.html
> says these cards are supported by linux kernel 2.0.35 and up.
> I didn't find a word about this card in recent kernel sources, and I
> didn't find any downloadable drivers for these cards at all.
> I have a stomach hunch that in spite of 2.2.18 or 2.4.5 being technically
> higher than 2.0.35, it may not neccesarily support the new kernels.
> Anyone ran into these or has any working experience with LG NICs?

I didn't ran into these or has any working experience with LG NICs.
Yet I hope the following will help:

[04:03:49 tmp]$ zgrep -A6 "5.1.17.  3c985" /usr/share/doc/HOWTO/en-txt/Ethernet
  5.1.17.  3c985

  Status: Supported, Driver Name: acenic

  This driver, by Jes Sorensen, is available in v2.2 kernels It supports
  several other Gigabit cards in addition to the 3Com model.

[04:03:59 tmp]$ 

2. Search for more info on their site, mail lgnetworks support etc.

> TIA for the input!
> ---= Miki Shapiro =------------------
>  ---= Cell: (+972)-56-322433 =--------
>   ---= ICQ: 3EE853 =-------------------
>    ---= Windows Programmer in Rehab =---
>     -------------------------------------
> "If at first you don't succeed...
> .. Skydiving is probbably not for you."
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