Sorry I cannot help you with your question. 
>  =?WINDOWS-1255?Q?=E0=E4=F8
> It was explained to me that the header in question is encoded in
> BASE64 MIME format. So, I dropped the issue, and went back to using
> Kshowmail to watch the mailbox.

(Minor correction: the Q up there stands for for Quoted Printable. Had it been B
it would have stood for Base64. Sorry for being such a nag)

What I really wanted to say is that my Dec 18 2001 perl script for conversion of
this kind of headers is much uglier than my current one which I use to send
hebrew subject lines to my hebrew-disbaled cellphone:

sub tostring {
  use MIME::Base64;
  use MIME::QuotedPrint;

  my $s = shift;
  my @spl = split('\?', $s);
  my ($raw, $charset, $enc, $str);

  return $s if ($#spl != 4 || $spl[0] ne '=');

  ($_, $charset, $enc, $str) =  @spl;

  if ($enc eq 'Q') {
    $raw = decode_qp($str)}
  if ($enc eq 'B') {
    $raw = decode_base64($str)}

  #TODO: handle other charsets - this assumes windows-1255 or iso-8859-8
  $raw =~ tr/&alef;&bet;ℷ&dalet;&he;&vav;&zayin;&het;&tet;&yod;&fkaf;&kaf;&lamed;&fmem;&mem;&fnun;&nun;&samekh;&ayin;&fpe;&pe;&ftsadi;&tsadi;&qof;&resh;&shin;&tav;/abgdhvzx@ykklmmnns&ppccqr$t/;
  return $raw;


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