The LaCie Silverscreen external hard drive / media player contains a
~4 MByte ROMFS image that has a gzipped Linux kernel, Busybox, and a
few other assorted things.  However, LaCie makes no mention of using
GPLed software, nor do they offer any source code for download.  Has
anyone ever noticed this before (and, if so, what's the status on
You can download this firmware from -- the file
called romfs.bin is a plain romfs volume.  I successfully mounted it
using Knoppix and was able to browse the contents of the image.

Please CC me directly, because I'm not subscribed to this list. 

I apologize if this was discovered before, but my archive searches
found no reference.

(if I had the source, I'd probably buy one of these things).

--Michael L. Freeman
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