My Sincere Greetings ,

I am  Mrs  Ivvone Davida Balakiwal, I decided to donate what I have to
you for investment towards the good work of charity organization, and
also to help the motherless and the less privileged ones and to carry
out a charitable works in your Country and around the World on my

I am diagnosing of throat Cancer, hospitalize for good 2 years and
some months now and quite obvious that I have few days to live, and I
am a Widow no child; I decided to will/donate the sum of $ 9.5 million
to you for the good work of God, and also to help the motherless and
less privilege and also forth assistance of the widows. At the moment
I can not take any telephone calls right now due to the fact that my
relatives (that have squandered the funds for this purpose before) are
around me and my health status also. I have adjusted my will and my
lawyer is aware.

I have willed those properties to you by quoting my Personal File
Routing and Account Information. And I have also notified the bank
that I am willing that properties to you for a good, effective and
prudent work.

It is right to say that I have been directed to do this by God.

I will be going in for a surgery soon and I want to make sure that I
make this donation before undergoing this surgery. I will need your
support to make this dream come through, could you let me know your
interest to enable me give you further information.And I hereby advice
to contact me by this email address  ( )

Looking forward to hearing from you  soon,

Yours sincerely,
Mrs Ivvone Davida Balakiwal

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