.o: unresolved symbol register_netdev
I ran into a similar problem with tulip.o -- I was able to work around the
problem by turning off module versioning (CONFIG_MODVERSIONS).
Tom Eastep \ Alt Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ICQ #60745924 \ Websites: http://seawall.sourcefo
Thus spoke Hacksaw:
> >I've discovered that heavy use of vesafb can be a major source of clock
> >drift on my system, especially if I don't specify "ypan" or "ywrap". On my
> This is extremely interesting. What version of ntp are you using?
tem clock to drift 10-12 seconds.
With "ywrap", I can do an entire kernel build and only loose 5 seconds or
so. Even with "ywrap", the drift causes ntpd to loose synchronization. If
I build the kernel from an xterm window, ntpd does not loose sync and
there is no apparent clock dr
Tom Eastep \ Alt Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ICQ #60745924 \ Websites: http://seawall.sourceforge.net
[EMAIL PROTECTED] \ http://seattlefirewall.dyndns.org
Shoreline, Washington USA \___
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