Hello Dear,

Please forgive me for stressing you with my predicaments as I know
that this letter may come to you as big surprise. Actually, I came
across your E-mail from my personal search afterward I decided to
email you directly believing that you will be honest to fulfill my
final wish before i die.

 Meanwhile, I am Mrs. Louisa Benson, 62 years old, from America, and I
am suffering from a long time cancer and from all indication my
condition is really deteriorating as my doctors have confirmed and
courageously advised me that I may not live beyond twomonths from now
for the reason that my tumor has reached a critical stage which has
defiled all forms of medical treatment.

As a matter of fact, registered nurse by profession while my husband
was dealing on Gold Dust and Gold Dory Bars in Burkina Faso till his
sudden death the year 2008 then I took over his business till date.

 In fact, at this moment I have a deposit sum of eight million five
hundred thousand US dollars [$8,500,000.00] with one of the leading
bank in Burkina Faso but unfortunately I cannot visit the bank since I
m critically sick and powerless to do anything myself but my bank
account officer advised me to assign any of my trustworthy relative,
friends or partner with authorization letter to stand as the recipient
of my money but sorrowfully I don t have any reliable relative and no

Therefore, I want you to receive the money and take 30% to take care
of yourself and family while 70% should be use basically on
humanitarian purposes mostly to orphanages home, Motherless babies
home, less privileged and disable citizens and widows around the
world. and as soon as I receive your I shall send you my pictures,
banking records and with full contacts of my banking institution to If
you are interested in carrying out this task please contact me for
more details on this.  mrslouisabenson2...@mail.com

Hope to hear from you soon.
Yours Faithfully,
Mrs. Louisa Benson
  • HELLO DEAR mrs louisa besson_ _.,?

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