
scripts/ver_linux uses fdformat to determine the version of util-linux
used on the system. However, on Debian GNU/Linux:

---------- snip ----------
% fdformat --version

Note: /usr/bin/fdformat is obsolete and is no longer available.
Please use /usr/bin/superformat instead (make sure you have the
fdutils package installed first).  Also, there had been some
major changes from version 4.x.  Please refer to the documentation.

---------- snip ----------

Attached is a patch which modifies ver_linux so that it can correctly
determine the util-linux version on Debian (by using /sbin/hwclock if
fdformat fails).

Bell Labs Unix -- Reach out and grep someone.
--- linux/scripts/ver_linux.orig        Tue Apr 17 15:49:14 2001
+++ linux/scripts/ver_linux     Tue Apr 17 15:52:04 2001
@@ -20,7 +20,13 @@
 ld -v 2>&1 | awk -F\) '{print $1}' | awk \
       '/BFD/{print "binutils              ",$NF}'
-fdformat --version | awk -F\- '{print "util-linux            ", $NF}'
+ut_vers=`fdformat --version | awk -F\- '{print $NF}'`
+if echo "$ut_vers" | grep -q obsolete
+    # Debian does not ship fdformat
+    ut_vers=`/sbin/hwclock --version | awk -F\- '{print $NF}'`
+echo "util-linux             $ut_vers"
 mount --version | awk -F\- '{print "mount                 ", $NF}'

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