ATAPI Iomega Zip100 problem, more info, solved?

2005-08-15 Thread Grant Coady
Greetings, Some more info on removable media oddness. I use both vfat and ext2 format zip disk. Two mountpoints: /dev/hdc4 /mnt/zipvfatnoauto,user 0 0 /dev/hdc1 /mnt/zip2 ext2noauto,user 0 0 Odd behaviour: $ mount ATAPI Iomega Zip100 problem, more info, solved?

2005-08-15 Thread Grant Coady
Greetings, Some more info on removable media oddness. I use both vfat and ext2 format zip disk. Two mountpoints: /dev/hdc4 /mnt/zipvfatnoauto,user 0 0 /dev/hdc1 /mnt/zip2 ext2noauto,user 0 0 Odd behaviour: $ mount