When I boot up my home box, a Pentium III/933MHz with an i810 onboard disabled to make 
way for a 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 PCI, two main problems occur if I boot my framebuffered 
kernel (2.4.7-pre7):

1) It won't support anything over 640x480.  I've got the buffer set up to run in 
1024x768x32, and it reverts to 640x480x32.

2) Corrupted cursors: until I start XFree86, the terminal cursors are corrupted; 
they're maybe 80x60 pixels and rendered as randomly black-and-white pixels.

I know that because 3dfx is now no longer extant, there's fairly little chance that 
this will ever be resolved, but I currently have to boot with my non-frame-buffered 
kernel, which keeps me from seeing *cute widdle Tux* at boot-up. 8-)

     -- Colin

Windows emulator for Linux: #include <stdio.h> 
int main() { int n = *(int *)NULL; }
fortytwo: Linux kernel 2.4.7-pre7 (i686; 1854.66 BogoMips)

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