I was trying 2.4.5-ac14 this morning. I issued some command to test
buffer and page cache behaviour

I run 2 cat /dev/hda > /dev/null and  find / -name \* concurrently

When find finished I ran free and it gave me

fourier:~# free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers  cached
Mem:        126996     124104       2892 4294967212      98944  9148
-/+ buffers/cache:      16012     110984
Swap:       128480       3760     124720

fourier:~# cat /proc/meminfo
        total:    used:    free:  shared: buffers:  cached:
        Mem:  130043904 127098880  2945024 4294881280 100589568  9969664
        Swap: 131563520  3850240 127713280
        MemTotal:       126996 kB
        MemFree:          2876 kB
        MemShared:    4294967212 kB
        Buffers:         98232 kB
        Cached:           9736 kB
        Active:          93716 kB
        Inact_dirty:     12848 kB
        Inact_clean:      1320 kB
        Inact_target:        4 kB
        HighTotal:           0 kB
        HighFree:            0 kB
        LowTotal:       126996 kB
        LowFree:          2876 kB
        SwapTotal:      128480 kB
        SwapFree:       124720 kB
It seems a kernel bug to me, but it didn't hurt, my PC is working
without problems

        Gianluca Anzolin
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