In drivers/regulator/rn5t618-regulator.c:
The RC5T619 LDO9 and LDO10 have the same .enable_reg and .enable_mask setting:
static const struct regulator_desc rc5t619_regulators[] = {
        REG(LDO9, LDOEN2, BIT(0), LDO9DAC, 0x7f, 900000, 3500000, 25000),
        REG(LDO10, LDOEN2, BIT(0), LDO10DAC, 0x7f, 900000, 3500000, 25000),

This seems suspicious and looks like a copy-paste mistake.
I don't find public datasheet for rc5t619.
Maybe someone can help to check if it's correct or not.


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