This recipe results in only two conflicts.  The obvious and easily fixed
EXTRAVERSION conflict as well as the conflict shown below from kernel/sched.c:

git clone -n 
cd 2.6.21-rc7-rt
git branch rc6 v2.6.21-rc6
git branch rc7 v2.6.21-rc7
git branch rc6-rt0 rc6
git checkout rc6-rt0
git pull git:// 2.6.21-rc6-rt0
git branch rc7-rt
git checkout rc7-rt
git pull . rc7

The conlict is:

,----( conflict from kernel/sched.c from pulling rc7 into rc6-rt0 )
| <<<<<<< HEAD:kernel/sched.c
| static inline struct task_struct *eldest_child(struct task_struct *p)
| {
|         if (list_empty(&p->children))
|                 return NULL;
|         return list_entry(p->,struct task_struct,sibling);
| }
| static inline struct task_struct *older_sibling(struct task_struct *p)
| {
|         if (p->sibling.prev==&p->parent->children)
|                 return NULL;
|         return list_entry(p->sibling.prev,struct task_struct,sibling);
| }
| static inline struct task_struct *younger_sibling(struct task_struct *p)
| {
|         if (p->>parent->children)
|                 return NULL;
|         return list_entry(p->,struct task_struct,sibling);
| }
| static const char stat_nam[] = "RMSDTtZX";
| =======
| static const char stat_nam[] = "RSDTtZX";
| >>>>>>> 94a05509a9e11806acd797153d03019706e466f1:kernel/sched.c

Resolving that conflict (I tried using the <<<<<<< version) and the
EXTRAVERSION conflict allows a subsequent git pull . master to complete
w/o conflicts.

Obviously keeping the three functions in won't harm the resulting
kernel, but is leaving the M in stat_nam[] the correct resolution?

I'll be testing this kernel later this afternoon.  (As soon as I
can do the reboot.)

Incidently, has anyone tried combining the rt patches with any of
the scheduler patches?

James Cloos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         OpenPGP: 1024D/ED7DAEA6
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