Linux-Misc Digest #534, Volume #25               Wed, 23 Aug 00 13:13:04 EDT

  Vexing client server bug (Dave Barcelo)
  Re: Mount a NTFS-directory under linux (Dances With Crows)
  Re: pcnfsd ("T. Odensson")
  Remote logging (Dave Barcelo)
  linux & windows can use same swap file? ("Dan Jacobson")
  IE's Temporary Internet Files: rescue or converting to Linux? ("Dan Jacobson")
  Netscape and plugger ("Retro Grouch")
  Re: Operating system file name restrictions? Where? (Thomas Reed)
  Re: need serious help here... X hates me! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Operating system file name restrictions? Where? (Karl B)
  Re: creating mpeg/animated gif (or other format...) (Ed Vigmond)
  Re: why suid'ed shutdown refuses to run? ("Andrew N. McGuire ")
  Re: Operating system file name restrictions? Where? (Eric Albert)
  Re: What dist is easyLinux based on? (Matthias Warkus)
  Re: How do you pronounce GNOME? ("Stefan Viljoen")
  Re: Lotus Mail ("Russell Uman")
  Re: How to disable CTRL-ALT-DEL restart in console mode? (Stefan Soos)
  Re: Firewall for Linux ("Sjoerd Langkemper")


From: Dave Barcelo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Vexing client server bug
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 09:38:27 -0500

I am writing a client-server for my school and the server keeps get a
segv signal.  I know you are all thinking 'This guy doesn't know how to
use his pointers' but the wierd thing is the server crashes every night
at 11:00.  The server runs as a normal process and I usually run it in
the background with the '&' so it doesn't natuaraly daemonize.  I am
sending the source code with this missive so if you have anytime at all,

please check it out.


P.S.  It is extremely messy.

// Server Source
// Filename: $RCSfile: server.c,v $
// 1.Make necessary includes and set up the variable.
#include <signal.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <syslog.h>

//static char *RCSinfo = "$Id: server.c,v 1.23 2000/08/21 22:27:21 root
Exp $";
int server_sockfd;

ouch (int sig)
  syslog (LOG_INFO | LOG_LOCAL1, "Caught sig %d\n", sig);
  /*syslog("Caught sig %d\n", sig); */
  unlink ("/var/run/");
  close (server_sockfd);
  exit (0);

main ()
  int out;
  int client_sockfd;
  int server_len;
  size_t client_len;
  struct sockaddr_in server_address;
  struct sockaddr_in client_address;

  char *buff;
  //char buff[40];
  //char *buff2  //put name w/out dots in here
  char sla_path[100];
  char time_string[100];
  struct in_addr client_addy;
  struct hostent *clientinfo;
  time_t timeval;
  struct tm *tm_ptr;
  int pid_in;
  int pid;
  char pid_number[5];

  //New stuff
  unsigned long int addr;
  struct sigaction act;

  act.sa_handler = ouch;
  sigemptyset (&act.sa_mask);
  act.sa_flags = 0;
  //sigaction (SIGABORT, &act, 0);
  sigaction (SIGALRM, &act, 0);
  sigaction (SIGFPE, &act, 0);
  //sigaction (SIGHUP, &act, 0);
  sigaction (SIGILL, &act, 0);
  sigaction (SIGINT, &act, 0);
  sigaction (SIGKILL, &act, 0);
  sigaction (SIGPIPE, &act, 0);
  sigaction (SIGQUIT, &act, 0);
  sigaction (SIGSEGV, &act, 0);
  sigaction (SIGTERM, &act, 0);
  sigaction (SIGUSR1, &act, 0);
  sigaction (SIGUSR2, &act, 0);
  sigaction (SIGCHLD, &act, 0);
  sigaction (SIGCONT, &act, 0);
  sigaction (SIGSTOP, &act, 0);
  sigaction (SIGTSTP, &act, 0);
  sigaction (SIGTTIN, &act, 0);
  sigaction (SIGTTOU, &act, 0);
  //sigaction (1, &act, 0);
  sigaction (2, &act, 0);
  sigaction (3, &act, 0);
  //sigaction (4, &act, 0);
  sigaction (5, &act, 0);
 sigaction (6, &act, 0);
  sigaction (7, &act, 0);
  sigaction (8, &act, 0);
  sigaction (9, &act, 0);
  sigaction (10, &act, 0);
  sigaction (11, &act, 0);
  sigaction (12, &act, 0);
  sigaction (13, &act, 0);
  sigaction (14, &act, 0);
  sigaction (15, &act, 0);
  sigaction (16, &act, 0);
  sigaction (17, &act, 0);
  sigaction (18, &act, 0);
  sigaction (19, &act, 0);

//1b.Put pid number in file /var/run/
  pid = getpid ();
  sprintf (pid_number, "%d\n", pid);
  pid_in =
    open ("/var/run/", O_RDWR | O_CREAT,
          S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH);
  write (pid_in, pid_number, strlen (pid_number));
  close (pid_in);

//1.c Anounce startup of sla server to log
  syslog (LOG_INFO | LOG_LOCAL1, "sla_server STARTUP.  PID is %d\n",

//2.Remove any old socket and create an unnamed socket for the server.
  server_sockfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

//3.Name the socket.
  server_address.sin_family = AF_INET;
  server_address.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr ("");
  server_address.sin_port = 9734;
  server_len = sizeof (server_address);
  bind (server_sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &server_address, server_len);

//4.Create a connection queue and wait for clients.
  listen (server_sockfd, 5);
  while (1)
      syslog (LOG_INFO | LOG_LOCAL1, "sla_server waiting - %m\n");
      strcpy (sla_path, "/var/sla/");
      strcpy (time_string, "\0");

//5.Accept a connection.
      client_len = sizeof (client_address);
      client_sockfd =
        accept (server_sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &client_address,

//5a. Come up with unique name via client ip.
      //Make dir
      (void) time (&timeval);
      tm_ptr = localtime (&timeval);
      strftime (time_string, 100, "%a_%b_%d_%Y", tm_ptr);
      strcat (sla_path, time_string);
      mkdir (sla_path,
             S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH |

      client_addy.s_addr = client_address.sin_addr.s_addr;
      buff = inet_ntoa (client_addy);

      addr = inet_addr (buff);
//This is the line
      clientinfo = gethostbyaddr ((char *) &addr, sizeof (addr),
      syslog (LOG_INFO | LOG_LOCAL1,
              "sla_server recieved connection from %s\n",

      strcat (sla_path, "/");
      strcat (sla_path, clientinfo->h_name);
      strcat (sla_path, ".");
      strcat (sla_path, time_string);
      out = open (sla_path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);

//6.Read and write to client on client_sockfd.
      while (read (client_sockfd, &buff, 1) == 1)
        write (out, &buff, 1);

      close (client_sockfd);


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: Mount a NTFS-directory under linux
Date: 23 Aug 2000 14:42:35 GMT

On Wed, 23 Aug 2000 15:29:13 +0200, Michael wrote:
>can somebody tell me how to mount a NTFS-Partition residing on a
>NT-server in my network on my Linux-server?
>Is it something like:
>mount -t ntfs /test

No.  That syntax is a hybrid of the way you'd mount an NFS volume and
the way you'd mount an NTFS partition on your local hard drive.  If the
NT machine is exporting directories with SMB, then you'd do this:
   mount -t smbfs -o username=blah // /mountpoint
Naturally, you have to have SMB filesystem support either compiled as a
module or compiled directly into the kernel.  Most distro kernels have
that set up for you already.

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Those who do not understand Unix are     /   condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
=============================/           ==Henry Spencer


From: "T. Odensson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: pcnfsd
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 09:49:09 -0500

What I was looking for is the daemon rpc.pcnfsd.  It is usually part of the
PC-NFS installation on Solaris, that is why I used the subject PC-NFS.  I
apoligize, I should have used the subject of pcnfsd instead.  I need this
daemon to to provide user authentication to WebNFS, otherwise WebNFS will
use the user/group of nobody, which is not disireable.  I need the ability
to "login" to WebNFS, SAMBA does NOT have this capability.  I have installed
and run SAMBA on many machines.  I do know what SAMBA can and can not do and
if it would work for me, I would use it, I do like SAMBA.

As an update on my quest, I have located the source code for the daemon and
compiled it.  I ran into the next problem...  the source code was written
pre-PAM authentication.  So, I need to get the code re-written to support
PAM.  After this is done I think I will have conquered this beast.  I'll
keep my fingers crossed. :)

T. Odensson

>"Fabián A. Juárez Martínez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:rMHo5.23$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>Yes! SAMBA has many qualities on function... Really, you need to test
before a choice!

>Do it! I've three Client-Server installation on live and... problems? what

>T. Odensson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió en el mensaje de noticias
39a15e73.$0.$72531$[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Thanks for the start but I need to get pcnfsd installed/configured.  On
> Solaris it is rpc.pcnfsd, this is the daemon that I need to install or
> type of similar daemon/service.  I have looked at LDP and the only thing
> says about PC-NFS is:
> >You don't want to run PC-NFS. You want to run samba.
> >samba is far better than PC-NFS and it works with Windows 3 for
> and later >versions of Windows. It's faster and more secure too. Use it.
> Really.
> Well... this is of no help, really.
> I guess to be a little more specific, I am using WebNFS and it needs user
> authentication, pcnfsd will provide that authentication.  Otherwise it
> use the user/group nobody and you will not have any rights.  I do NOT want
> to assign those file to nobody.  I need to be able to "login" into WebNFS.
> Anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks for the help,
> T. Odensson
> > Hi!  I presume you mean you need to connect a PC running PC-NFS to your
> > NFS server running on Linux, right?  OR do you want to mount NFS
> > exported filesystems from a Windows NFS server into your Linux
> > filesystem?
> >
> > If you add the directories you want to export to "/etc/exports" (I think
> > it's called) on the Linux box and mae sure rpc.mountd (and possibly a
> > couple of other daemons) is running then PC-NFS should be able to see
> > the NFS daemon running on Linux and mount the shares.  Use the "man
> > nfsd" to learn more.  "man mount" might even have references to other
> > NFS man pages to read (on Linux of course).  Lastly, there's the Linux
> > NFS HOWTO which you can find at the Linux Documentation Project
> > ( web site.
> >
> > Too bad Samba is not an alternative for your because that would be MUCH
> > cheaper than buying PC-NFS licenses.  You can always run a free NFS
> > server on Windows and mount the NFS exports into your Linux filesystem.
> >
> > Good luck!
> >
> > Peace....
> >
> > Tom
> >
> >
> > Sent via
> > Before you buy.


From: Dave Barcelo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Remote logging
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 09:56:44 -0500

I am looking for a way to to do remote logging on my network.  I want a
server to get the logs (mainly wtmp) and put them in a directory that is
signified for that day.  I would like individual logs kept for each
machine and each day.  Any solutions?



From: "Dan Jacobson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: linux & windows can use same swap file?
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 11:37:57 +0800

I had this brilliant idea that Linux and windows could use the same swap
area on disk thus saving the user from e.g., redundantly having two 128K
areas on disk when only one operating system could be running [but what
about emulations?] anyway.  Naturally I'm just throwing this out for you
pros to debate.   [Nothing simpleminded me is planning on doing myself
etc., so no need to e-mail me the details, I wouldn't understand it
anyway.]   It seems however that the savings is so small that one
shouldn't bother anyway.  Hmmm, I read
> Linux reserves the type code 0x82 for swap partitions
therefore one would have to add a level of indirection to have it find a
different OS's swap area...
which would probably have problems getting lost on the next upgrade etc.
making the whole exercise useless... ok never mind.
--  ... fix e-mail address to reply; ¿n¤¦¥§
Tel:+886-4-5854780; starting in year 2001: +886-4-25854780


From: "Dan Jacobson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IE's Temporary Internet Files: rescue or converting to Linux?
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 21:26:17 +0800

My system was:
Hard Disk 1:  C:, E: (i.e., two partitions)
Hard Disk 2:  D:
I removed Hard Disk 2, so my system automatically became:
Hard Disk 1:  C:, D:
However, Internet Explorer's Temporary Internet Files I had living on E:
Now it doesn't know that any more, and if I tell IE to make its Temporary
Internet Files on the old spot it threatens to first wipe it clean before
moving in... and when I try to stuff the contents of the old TIF into its
new spot, it's not allowed, etc.   This represents many months of offline
web page reading precious modem $ time...  How can I get IE 5.5 to accept
a new source for its TIF without it destroying everything?  [My Favorites
stuff but mostly the History per day/week indexed stuff.]
Along  the way I noticed that the various MS tools can only see various
parts of the files in TIF, also noticed and deleted the thousands of Ca*
files due to latest bug, also noticed the unfortunate MS naming scheme
where removing an unrelated drive screws things up... geez.

OK, better yet, how can I process all that stuff in my old TIF into a tool
that I can use to browse it under Linux?   Indeed, I removed the disk to
do Linux on it, and indeed, the TIF is where I have lots of Linux
documentation that I must see in order to finish Linux adjustment...
I suppose next time, I should have made a phony [nominal, tiny] extra
partition on my now Linux native Hard Drive 2 for windows to call D: thus
not disturbing E: but it's too late now.
--  ... fix e-mail address to reply; ¿n¤¦¥§
Tel:+886-4-5854780; starting in year 2001: +886-4-25854780


From: "Retro Grouch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Netscape and plugger
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 10:37:11 -0500

I am trying to configure plugger to show tiff files.  No matter what I do,
netscape does not properly show tiff files that arrive as attachments.  I
can save the attachment as a x.tif, then use netscape to open the file and
it will properly open the file in viewfax.

here's the pertinent section of pluggerrc:

image/tiff: tiff,tif: TIFF image
        : viewfax $file

I also trid 

image/tiff: tiff,tif: TIFF image
        : echo $file > /tmp/plugger

and the file /etc/plugger is empty.  This seems to indicate that plugger
is not correctly passing the file name.

Does anyone have this working?  What am I doing wrong?

netscape 4.73, plugger 3.2, RH 6.2


From: Thomas Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Operating system file name restrictions? Where?
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 15:29:06 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dances With
Crows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The pre-OS X Mac has a 32-character limit, and the
> forbidden character is ":", again because it's a directory separator.

'.' is also discouraged on the Mac as the first character of filenames,
primarily (from what I understand) for historic reasons.  There may or
may not still be reasons for this, but it's something to consider.


Subject: Re: need serious help here... X hates me!
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 15:24:26 GMT

Oh I see, you want to use them both simultaniously in the same machine,

Should be OK, I have a few linux boxes where with two identical
rtl8139's installed.  One is doing similar to what you describe.  It has
one interface for serving DHCP on my internal MASQed LAN, and the other
forwards requests out over the real IP connection for internet stuff.
You shouldn't need to have two copies of the module, it will load the
same module for each interace.

You'd probably want ipchains for setting up the firewall, the how-to is
pretty good on this subject.

> well, i have one PCI, and one ISA (supposedly pnp) and it found the
> PCI no problem :o)
> what im askin is how i can have them both using the ne2k driver at the
> same time (for my firewall)
> >Aaron

Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: Operating system file name restrictions? Where?
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 17:33:41 +0200

Karsten Wutzke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> \ / : * ? " < > and | are forbidden,
> Can anyone explain WHY some characters are prohibited?

\ - Because DOS uses it as a "command" char.
/ - Because DOS uses it as a directiory seperator.
: - Because... because... ah, I give up.
* - Because DOS uses it as a wildcard
? - Because DOS uses it as a wildcard.
| - Because DOs uses it as a pipe command.

.... you get the idea...

Please don't cc or reply via email! (My news service works fine!)
             See message headers for Geek Code.
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From: Ed Vigmond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: creating mpeg/animated gif (or other format...)
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 10:20:55 -0500

Ben Ritchie wrote:
> Hi All
> I would like to create a short movie sequence of some data, currently
> stored as a number of 600x600 arrays but which can trivially be dumped
> to disk as a sequence of static images (GIF, JPG or most other common
> formats). What would be the simplest way to turn this into an
> animation? I'm not really bothered about the format - mpeg and animated
> GIF are the two that spring to mind, but as long as it can be replayed
> with generally available software (i.e. nothing too obscure) under Linux
> and Solaris I don't really care. Ideally this would be done internally,
> but as the code is Fortran 77 I rather doubt suitable software is
> available.

You can also use "convert" from the ImageMagick suite of tools. This is
standard on Red Hat but I don't know about Mandrake. Assuming your
static images are named file1.jpg, file2.jpg, etc:

convert file*.jpg movie.gif

What could be simpler?

Dr. Edward Vigmond
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Tulane University


From: "Andrew N. McGuire " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: why suid'ed shutdown refuses to run?
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 11:14:58 -0500

On 23 Aug 2000, Peter T. Breuer quoth:

~~ Date: 23 Aug 2000 07:20:32 GMT
~~ From: Peter T. Breuer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
~~ Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc
~~ Subject: Re: why suid'ed shutdown refuses to run?
~~ : In article <8ntflj$vrr$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
~~ :   "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
~~ :> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
~~ :> : If the script is SUID, we just souldn't allow anyone to modify it.
~~ :> : How can one replace the script with arbitrary commands?
~~ :>
~~ :> Link tricks, if you must know.
~~ : You're getting real concise! What is this "link trick"?
~~ Linking to the suid script and changing the link just after the system
~~ has checked that it's supposed to execute it and just before it does.
~~ Or variants n-degrees removed.
~~ :> Personally I'm more worried about env vars and special character
~~ :> interpretations.
~~ : How about some examples?
~~ Check or read your bash manpages!

A very good example is available for solaris.  At
do a seach on dtappgather.. THe original sploit uses links, the
second version uses env vars.

~ Andrew N. McGuire                                                      ~
~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                              ~
~ "Plan to throw one away; you will, anyhow." - Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. ~


From: Eric Albert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Operating system file name restrictions? Where?
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 09:29:43 -0700

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 

> Unix filename conventions were created long before Minix existed.  The
> only character that's forbidden is "/" since that character is used as a
> directory separator.  Most Unices these days have a 255-character limit
> on filenames.  The pre-OS X Mac has a 32-character limit, and the
> forbidden character is ":", again because it's a directory separator.

It's actually a 31-character limit, except on HFS+ volumes under Mac OS 
9 and later, where you get a 255-character limit if you use new APIs to 
write those files.  Java automatically supports those APIs for you if 
you're using MRJ 2.2 or later.


Eric Albert         [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthias Warkus)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: What dist is easyLinux based on?
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 19:16:56 +0200

It was the Tue, 22 Aug 2000 08:59:31 +1200...
...and Ross Levis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Most "other" distributions are based on one of the major ones (rg .RH SuSE).
> Does anyone know what easyLinux is compatible with.

I don't think they've based their distribution on anything specific.
It's newly built from the ground up to accommodate their registry and

Warkus' Paradoxon of Human Relationships:
 I. A man who has already got a woman can get any other woman.
II. A man who hasn't got a woman cannot get a woman.


From: "Stefan Viljoen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do you pronounce GNOME?
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 12:21:31 +0200

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> 1. Is it gnome, like the man who sits by your pond.  OR
> 2. Is it Gee-Nome, as in the human gnome project. OR
> 3. Is it pronounced similar to GNU, like Gu-Nome.
> Any Ideas?


Stèfan Viljoen a. k. a. Rylan
F/EMS Dispatcher
Potchefstroom Emergency Services
South Africa

"We want you to be soldiers - deadly as long as you still have one arm or
one leg and you are still alive."
 - R. A. H. in "Starship Troopers"


From: "Russell Uman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Lotus Mail
Date: 23 Aug 2000 16:50:56 GMT

there is a linux version of domino...

russell uman
"someone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8o0iqm$9nd$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi,
> My company uses lotus mail server for their internal email needs. My
> is this :- I'll be setting up a internet gateway on a linux box. Is there
> anyway to setup a linux web-base email server to interface to the lotus
> server so that I can read my mails anywhere in the world ?
> Thanks a million in advance.


From: Stefan Soos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to disable CTRL-ALT-DEL restart in console mode?
Date: 23 Aug 2000 16:23:38 +0200

Tony Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> "init -u" tells init to re-execute itself without reading
> inittab, so (without looking at source) I'd guess that would
> mean setting everything to ground-level state as though
> nothing had ever been run - that, of course, doesn't un-do
> anything that has been run, or is running (getty's), but if
> it has the concept  that CAD should only be a one-time
> thing, it would reset that.. just guessing, of course.

Yes, I think, too, that it is a one time thing,
but you said, on your system you could hit CAD
several times without problems. So I thought it was my system
not working correctly.
I think I can live with inut -u, so every time CAD is hit
I'll let run a script displaying a message and do init -u.

Thanks for your help,

Stefan Soos

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From: "Sjoerd Langkemper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Firewall for Linux
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 16:54:34 GMT

"Jason Ng" wrote:
> I would like to install a firewall on my Linux box. Does anyone have any
> suggestions?

You can use ipchains (ipfwadm in 2.0 kernels, again renamed in kernels later
as 2.2) to build a basic firewall, altough you need some knowledge about
networking. Read the ipchains howto for more information at




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