Stian Sletner wrote:
| And I also think that tunelling to dsn will work. I tried 2 dosemu
| sessions: first with $_vnet=(on) and the second with $_vnet=(off) (as
| acting from outside) and the dooms see each other.
Mm, I still have some testing to do...
OK, given that SIB doesn't support
phrostie wrote:
sorry i'm late getting into this but why can't you run either:
That was a generic instructions.
You change the word "Doom" there
to Duke3D, Hexen, Heretic, whatever
you want, and it is still valid.
lxdoom-svga 1.4.4-7
OK, but when I want
"lxduke3d-svga-1.4.4-7", this
hi stian,
one comment -- you're walking people through installing bleeding edge
dosemu, but there's a problem with the latest patchset 1.1.3 where the
compiling of a bison file fails.
the fix (in patch form) is here:
this link also mentions
because he wanted to detail doom under dosemu. :) sometimes this kind
of reason is simply enough when you're talking about linux.
btw, lxdoom is totally outdated. that project has merged with 2 other
doom port projects and has formed prboom.
i think doom legacy is the best; you have mouse look
sorry i'm late getting into this but why can't you run either:
lxdoom-svga 1.4.4-7
Svgalib binary for lxdoom
lxdoom-x11 1.4.4-7
X binary for LxDoom
do they not have needed features?
Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of DOS,
and danced the skies on Linux silvered wings.
* At 2002-12-08T17:35+0300, Stas Sergeev wrote:
| I really think that playing doom on the same machine the tunnel is
| running, is rather rare requirement, so you can write that section
| omitting that detail.
I find this to be a very strange opinion. Most people wanting to play
Doom on the 'n
Stian Sletner wrote:
Section 4.2 is still unwritten because of my tunnelling problems,
I'm still not quite sure how to go about it.
I really think that playing doom on the
same machine the tunnel is running, is
rather rare requirement, so you can
write that section omitting that detail.
* At 2002-12-07T23:47-0500, Bart Oldeman wrote:
| The only thing I have to mention is that the setup you're describing in
| insecure, so don't do this on a box where you have untrusted accounts.
| You don't mention that you can play DOOM in xdosemu (without root
| privileges). Of course that's s
On Sun, 8 Dec 2002, Stian Sletner wrote:
> I've been working on a document to help people set up Doom in Linux via
> DOSEMU. Since DOSEMU is such an integral part of it, I'd appreciate any
> feedback or criticism from you guys. I know the subject is a bit
> narrow, but hey, you have to write abo
Hi again.
I've been working on a document to help people set up Doom in Linux via
DOSEMU. Since DOSEMU is such an integral part of it, I'd appreciate any
feedback or criticism from you guys. I know the subject is a bit
narrow, but hey, you have to write about what you care about, right? :)
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