Re: ATAPI tape drive

2001-04-18 Thread Jens Schmidt
Hello Sanchet and Brett. Thanks for replies. I do not want to automount, i.e. on boot. When I type: mount hdd | ht0 | nht0, etc response is: mount: can't find hdd | ht0 | nht0, etc, in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab, - so - no I can't do an explicit mount, yet. 'man -k tape' gives some info, sure, bu

emacs rmail attachments

2001-04-18 Thread brownh
I asked this question some time ago, but the answers all addressed gnus, not emacs' rmail utility. So let me try again: Is it possible to attach a binary to an rmail message under emacs? According to my GNU emacs book, emacs does not support binary file attachments, although one can insert an ASC