how can I mount a 6-CD-Changer into my tree?
It is /dev/hdb
But how can I distinguish those 6 slots?
Mount them each?
Best regards!
*º¤., ¸¸,.¤º*¨¨¨*¤=Oliver@home= *º¤., ¸¸,.¤º*¨¨*¤
I http://www.bmw-roadster.de/Friends/Olli/olli.html I
I http://www.
When I start up X using the nVidia drivers I get a blank screen and the
machine locks hard.
I'll start off by giving the relevant hardware and software configuration
Soltek SL-75DRV5 Mainboard
Athlon 900Mhz CPU
Winfast GeForce DDR 256 (AGP)
Linux Mandrake 8.1
Any tutorials on how to make rpms from .tar files? Thx
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Ray wrote:
> I don't use kppp and never have ... but assuming it is a fairly
standard pppd implementation, it should create the ppp0 interface once
it succeeds in dialing to and handshaking with the ISP. To say more, I
(and no doubt others) will need to see the logfile output of kppp and
--- Oliver Ob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : > I want to
find and list all files with *.snm ending.
> find /mnt/c/ -name *.snm -exec ls
> does not work, the man page does tell me french
> fries.
> What am I missing?
find /mnt/c/ -name *.snm -exec ls \; -print
(No warranty that it will