Xterm alternate keyboard chracters

2004-11-20 Thread Peter
http://www.abisource.com/awml.dtd";> http://www.w3.org/1999/XS L/Format" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/e lements/1.1/" fileformat="1.1" xmlns:math="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"; xmlns:awml="http://www.abisource.com/awml.dtd"; xmlns="http://www.abisou

Re: dma turned off

2004-11-20 Thread lindax newbie
2.6.7 was an "odd" numbered kernel...:-) I found it to be too unstable to use though 2.6.5 (odd as well, shoots my theory) seemed stable. Linus is trying to get lots of bug fixes into the current kernel and release a "stable" kernel again. I guess even he realized that the 2.6 series had evolv

Re: Query regarding Copy-on-write

2004-11-20 Thread Jim Nelson
Simon Valiquette wrote: Jagadeesh Bhaskar P a écrit : How can this work? Can someone please help me on this regard? I think I gave a good overview of the question. I tried to keep things as simple as I could, at the cost of not giving an exact description of how Linux handle COW. For example

Re: Query regarding Copy-on-write

2004-11-20 Thread Jim Nelson
Jagadeesh Bhaskar P wrote: Hi, When a process forks, every resource of the parent, including the virtual memory is copied to the child process. The copying of VM uses copy-on-write(COW). I know that COW comes when a write request comes, and then the copy is made. Now my query follows: How will the

Re: Query regarding Copy-on-write

2004-11-20 Thread Simon Valiquette
Jagadeesh Bhaskar P a écrit : Hi, When a process forks, every resource of the parent, including the virtual memory is copied to the child process. The copying of VM uses copy-on-write(COW). I know that COW comes when a write request comes, and then the copy is made. Now my query follows: How will

Query regarding Copy-on-write

2004-11-20 Thread Jagadeesh Bhaskar P
Hi, When a process forks, every resource of the parent, including the virtual memory is copied to the child process. The copying of VM uses copy-on-write(COW). I know that COW comes when a write request comes, and then the copy is made. Now my query follows: How will the copy be distributed. Whe