I just got a new WD2500JBRTL hard drive I can format it reiser filesystem I
can write to it I can ls it BUT when ever I try to read from (cp,du,mv,tar)
it my computer locks up it also locks up when I try to run any reiser file
system util on it right now I'm waiting to hear from award's bios upd
Anna G. Zapata wrote:
Hello all,
I just updated the fedora core with all it's new patches and now the machine seems to
be hosed. On reboot, I get the
following message:
"Id "x" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes" - Any ideas? I have had nothing but problems with Fedora.
I have no cl
IF this card was ever installed by windows you may need to reconfigure
the eeproms in the card windows has a habit of rewriting the addresses
so that olny windblows can use the card I had to do this with an asanite
frindly net card what program you use demends on what card you have and
from what
I need a 1024x768x64k XFree86 modeline for a IBM monitor type 8515
and one for the linux framebuffer
I know this mode works on this monitor because windblows and svgalib
can use this mode (but I can't get X to do any better than 640x480x256)
dose any body have this mode line or know of a database o
I would like to add programs that are not on my path to the ICEwm menues
I know these programs will run with out being on the path
[EMAIL PROTECTED] has tould me how to remove programs and how to add
prograns that are on the path ( thank you ) but how do I add the full
path to the program to th
I have the ICEwm and would like info on setting it up I have ben around
the web and cant find info on it
I want to do things change my wall paper and add and remove programs
from the menues
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Jamie Risk wrote:
Due in parts to brain fog and the remarkable stability of Linux, I've not
had to adminster my Linux box for over 8 months. Because of Windows Admin
tinkering, my samba server has stopped working and I need to modify it's
Is there a way I can mount mylinux box (say
a type one PCMCIA crd is about 3/16" thick a type two is twice that look at the slot
for how thick of a card it will accept if it will accept two type one cards it will
accept one type two
> From: Chuck Gelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2002/12/03 Tue PM 05:51:08 EST
> To: Linux Newbie <[EMAIL