Best Pha|rmma|cy you 0rder

2005-02-12 Thread Ana
Nv,Oe Cl||A1lIS works in as Iitt|e as 3O mi nutes and |asts for up to 36 hours. |EV1l TRA works in as 1ittle as 25 minutes and Iasts fro up to 24 h ours Vh,Ibmtqrpyf - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsu

Best Pha|rmma|cy you 0rder

2005-02-12 Thread Nannie
Oiomjgcv,Kdtqwfoa Cl||A1lIS works in as Iitt|e as 3O mi nutes and |asts for up to 36 hours. |EV1l TRA works in as 1ittle as 25 minutes and Iasts fro up to 24 h ours Gxeqk,My - To unsubscribe from this list: send the lin