Hi All,
Firstly, I must express my thanks to Neil Brown for being willing to
respond to the direct email I sent him as I couldn't for the life of me
find any forums on mdadm or this list...
I have a Software RAID 5 device configured, but one of the drives
failed. I removed the drive with the fol
Hi everyone,
I mentioned[1] my trouble with the multipath detection code on the
Fedora rescue mode messing up my raid yesterday.
My raid6 partitions recovered fine, but the raid10 device (/
sd[abc...k]5) somehow got messed up.
When I assemble the drive it says all 9 drives and 2 spares are
wende mich mal an Euch mit meinem Problem. Komme aus der Windows Ecke und
bin daher nicht ganz so fit in Linux:
Habe auf meinem Thecus NAS N5200 folgendes gemacht: Zuerst
funktionierendes Raid 5 mit 3x300GB Disks= Kapazität von ca. 580GB.
Belegt ca. 450 GB. Dann vierte Platte eingeba