n's kernel
is built from and just use it, although it would take a long time to build
because it includes so many drivers. Whittling it down to just the
drivers you need would be tedious but not very difficult.
Alan Stern
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nd EHCI. Links to their specifications are available here:
Specifications for various classes of USB devices are available here:
Alan Stern
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the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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is liable to miss bits and pieces of
the kernel log when a lot of information comes along all at once. You're
much better off getting the stack trace data directly from dmesg. (And
when you do, you don't end up with 30 columns of wasted data added to the
beginning of each line.)
don't know which they would be.
> I have no copy khubd running.
That in itself is a very bad sign. You need to look at the dmesg log.
Alan Stern
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the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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matter which.
But you haven't tried using different hubs, different USB cables, or
different computers.
> Nonetheless, I'm beginning to think I'm dealing with a hardware issue, not
> a kernel issue, just because it is so consistent.
People have reported problems in which the har