| There is a patched version of LILO wich accept boot=/dev/md0 in
| lilo.conf and will make each disk in the mirror bootable.
LILO's maintainer wrote to me, that the patch added to the
latest LILO, but the autoboot doesn't work. I get 0x80 or
similair errors
* Ilia Baldine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
| set boot to a real bootable device (like /dev/sda) and root to the
| md device.
And whats when /dev/sda failed? In this case LILO not
presents on /dev/sdb, hmm?
Hello all,
what is the correct root/boot LILO config option for RAID1?
(root fs on raid)
Seems boot=/dev/md0 and root=/dev/md0 OK, but LILO can't
boot only when I issue manually the 'kernel root=/dev/md0'
Hello all,
when I buy an ide hardware raid card, and I want run it on
linux, I need linux driver to use it?