Over the weekend, I got RAID1 running on my RedHat 2.2.11 box. Following the
advice on this list, I fetched raidtools-19990824-0.90.tar, and the
raid0145-19990824-2.2.11 kernel patch. I applied the patch to a pristine
kernel tree, compiled, rebooted, and it started working.

I followed the instructions at:
http://ostenfeld.dk/~jakob/Software-RAID.HOWTO/ to help me get things working.
I think everything is working OK, but I guess I have a question or two. I
created /etc/raidtab as follows:

raiddev /dev/md0
        raid-level      1
        nr-raid-disks   2
        nr-spare-disks  0
        chunk-size      4
        persistent-superblock   1
        device          /dev/sda3
        raid-disk       0
        device          /dev/sdb2
        raid-disk       1

I got it working, laid down a file system, and followed the instructions to
get autodetection working. To make a long story short, autodetect only works
if I keep /etc/raidtab moved out of the way. If present, it chokes and drops
me in single user mode. So, /etc/raidtab is not present, and everything works.
Is this normal? I didn't see anything in the HOWTO about moving /etc/raidtab.
Here's some output from dmesg:

md driver 0.90.0 MAX_MD_DEVS=256, MAX_REAL=12
raid1 personality registered

[ ...irrelevant stuff deleted... ]

md.c: sizeof(mdp_super_t) = 4096
RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0
autodetecting RAID arrays
(read) sda3's sb offset: 1052160 [events: 0000000e]
(read) sdb2's sb offset: 1052160 [events: 0000000e]
autorun ...
considering sdb2 ...
  adding sdb2 ...
  adding sda3 ...
created md0
running: <sdb2><sda3>
sdb2's event counter: 0000000e
sda3's event counter: 0000000e
md0: max total readahead window set to 128k
md0: 1 data-disks, max readahead per data-disk: 128k
raid1: device sdb2 operational as mirror 1
raid1: device sda3 operational as mirror 0
(checking disk 0)
(really checking disk 0)
(checking disk 1)
(really checking disk 1)
(checking disk 2)
(checking disk 3)
(checking disk 4)
(checking disk 5)
(checking disk 6)
(checking disk 7)
(checking disk 8)
(checking disk 9)
(checking disk 10)
(checking disk 11)
raid1: raid set md0 active with 2 out of 2 mirrors
md: updating md0 RAID superblock on device
sdb2 [events: 0000000f](write) sdb2's sb offset: 1052160
sda3 [events: 0000000f](write) sda3's sb offset: 1052160
... autorun DONE.
VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem).
autodetecting RAID arrays
could not import sda3!
could not import sdb2!
autorun ...
... autorun DONE.

Do these messages seem OK?


"I'm not afraid of dying, I just don't want to be there when it happens."
-- Woody Allen
  8:02pm  up 1 day, 10:53,  3 users,  load average: 1.26, 1.19, 1.37

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