I'm running into some issues using IBoE on a vlan with an upstream
kernel and libraries (works fine with OFED).  I'm mostly curious if
I'm simply running into a feature not yet implemented upstream, or if
I've found a bug.  I'm currently testing this on Fedora 16 with:

3.1.9 kernel
libmlx4-1.0.2-3.rgm.fc16.x86_64 (includes patch 

$ ibv_devinfo 
hca_id: mlx4_0
        transport:                      InfiniBand (0)
        fw_ver:                         2.10.600
        node_guid:                      0002:c903:0031:8a40
        sys_image_guid:                 0002:c903:0031:8a43
        vendor_id:                      0x02c9
        vendor_part_id:                 4099
        hw_ver:                         0x0
        board_id:                       MT_1090110018
        phys_port_cnt:                  2
                port:   1
                        state:                  PORT_ACTIVE (4)
                        max_mtu:                2048 (4)
                        active_mtu:             1024 (3)
                        sm_lid:                 0
                        port_lid:               0
                        port_lmc:               0x00
                        link_layer:             Ethernet

                port:   2
                        state:                  PORT_DOWN (1)
                        max_mtu:                2048 (4)
                        active_mtu:             1024 (3)
                        sm_lid:                 0
                        port_lid:               0
                        port_lmc:               0x00
                        link_layer:             Ethernet

So far I've found that everything works as long as I bind to an IP on
the NIC itself.  However if I bind to an IP on a vlan some things
don't work.  For example if I run two instances of udaddy on the
_same_ host bound to a vlan they both just hang and never complete:

$ /sbin/ifconfig vlan816
vlan816   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:02:C9:31:8A:30  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::202:c9ff:fe31:8a30/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:1443086 errors:0 dropped:64 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:446986 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
          RX bytes:110558152 (105.4 MiB)  TX bytes:110977699 (105.8 MiB)

$ udaddy -b
udaddy: starting server
receiving data transfers

$ udaddy -b -s
udaddy: starting client
udaddy: connecting
initiating data transfers
receiving data transfers

Similarly if I run two instances of udaddy bound to the vlan IP on two
_different_ hosts they also never complete, but they also don't get as

$ udaddy -b
udaddy: starting server

$ udaddy -b -s
udaddy: starting client
udaddy: connecting
udaddy: event: RDMA_CM_EVENT_UNREACHABLE, error: -110
test complete
return status -110

I would say at this point maybe vlans just aren't supported yet but I
using mckey provides some different results which makes me think this
may just be a bug.  When I use mckey between two different hosts bound
to the vlan IP it most of the time it works fine and sometimes the
receiver does not complete.

So is this a know issue?  Does anyone have any suggestions on where to
start debugging, or anything I may have overlooked?



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