Which question Craig?

The school zone question? Yes, a question, why did you post this question to list? Is it on topic for this list? I find this hard to understand, I'm told by some that it's OT, it's not Linux related at all.

Frankly I read your post and thought you were just bashing a Telecom project. I thought your questions were retorical, weren't they?

Or are you asking about the actual threed topic? Are you asking if I have anything to offer towards the question of 'is CLUG dying'?

Ok, in response....

No.  Clug is not dieing at all.

*CLUG is very very very much alive.  *

Infact CLUG is the single most alive Linux OSS FLOSS, FOSS, GUN list in the country.

It is extreamly colourful!

We have people sharing views on both technical and cultural issues related to the space.

I've been reading a book called 'Free As In Freedom - Richard Stallman's Crusade For Free Software' by Sam Williams.

I recommend you all have a read of it at some time.

The point is made very well that this space isn't just technical. It's not just about software and hardware, it's about the world.

I am now subscribed to every lug list in NZ and a few others including the NZNog List.

We have more vibrant debate on issues than anyone else.

As a community we have two meetings a month (even if I'm now only allowed to go to one or find a new wife).

We shout at each other on list! If nothing else this means we're passionate about our views!

Want my vote?  No CLUG is not dieing even a little bit...

However, *yes there are some who are wanting to kill it* a bit... the ongoing threats that people will be delisted for sharing their views when they're clearly not the view of the populouse is insane given the space we're in. However, like normal non-confirmists, I'm sure those people will simply rejoin the list just to prove the point, in the same way that Richard Stallman used to break in to offices to libirate unused computer terminals (read the book).

While we're on the subject of bullying thou....

I had a very interesting conversation with one list member on the phone yesterday who pointed out that there is an amount of bullying happening on this list.

In a world where we're standing up for freedom and freedom of speech and freedom from closed source software *it's just a joke* to suggest we're going to close ranks and ban people who don't do what we say rather than engage them in debate.

Cheers Don

Craig FALCONER wrote:
So - do you actually have anything to contribute towards answering the

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Gould [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, 1 August 2006 12:23 p.m.
To: linux-users@it.canterbury.ac.nz
Subject: OT: Re: Schoolzone RE: CLUG is dying

Craig FALCONER wrote:
Leif - do you have the option of not having your email munted by telecom
schoolzone ?
Not trying to sound critical or anything, but schoolzone seems to be utter
crap.  Cable is far superior, cheaper, faster, etc.

Thanks Craig!  You made my morning with a light bit of humour!

Don Gould
www.thinkdesignprint.co.nz - www.tcn.bowenvale.co.nz - www.bowenvale.co.nz - www.hearingbooks.co.nz - SkypeMe: ThinkDesignPrint

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