On Thu, 03 Jul 2003 20:32:24 +1200
Christopher Sawtell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 03 Jul 2003 11:41, you wrote:
> > Peter,
> >
> > > i understand that we can take machines in to the ostc on
> > > friday afternoon - is that correct?
> How do you define "afternoon" please?

um, eerr, well, after the hour of noon?
seriously though, i was originally thinking of somewhere between 1:30 and 2pm.
BUT am now having to think of sometime between 4 and 5pm.
why then?
because it's when my sister will be taking me to the supermarket (i plan to
spring this minor diversion on her en route to pak&sav).

why do i want to take the box in on fri arvo and not on sat morning?
because i decided against trying to scrounge a saturday ride from the list as
everyone else will be loaded up enough already with their own boxen etc.
and i didn't feel like making a nuisance of myself.
however this desire seems to have backfired somewhat, so, in order to
create a bit less of a hassle (as in i've no intention of making david turn
up at 5:30pm just to let me in, especially when he and his wife are going out
to dinner) i'd be quite happy to try and drum up a lift on the day.

> I could open up earlier and be there a bit longer if anybody wants me to.

OR perhaps take you up on this kind offer chris.
is the period between 4 & 5pm ok with you?
i'm afraid it's the only time slot when i'll have access to a motorcar over
the next few days.

sorry for all this hassle
cheers & thanks
ps: is this to do with something about hell's road surfacing?

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