> What has stopped me was the download of koffice-1.1.1 for Caldera. It is 
> compiled for 2.1; yes I know they have not released rpms for 2.2, but why 
> release it at all, its a minor release and its meant to run on 2.2 ? I am at 
> a loss to follow the thinking at Caldera these days. I would be back onto 
> Caldera if they would only put out up to date releases, or put up files to 
> download so as the user could do that.

This paragraph and the numbers therein do not align.

The koffice 1.1.1 Caldera packages are built against the latest set 
of KDE packages, for 2.2.1.

> Just seems that today many are working against each other rather than with 
> some game plan, this release is just confirmation. Imho don't bother.

We are not.

Ciao, Marcus
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