On Wednesday 19 December 2001 12:16 am, Guy Van Sanden wrote:
> Does anyone know what's up with themes.org?
> Since they switched the interface, there seem virtually no skins/themes
> availble any more when you click their items..
> It gives me 2 mozilla skins, and 3 gkrellm skins.
> But if you browse everything together, there are a lot more, only without
> categories.
> The 'rover' thing is not doing much either...
> Is it me?
> Kind regards
> Guy

Think they did a major overhaul of the system, try looking through the forums 
as others are asking the same question.

Hopefully it will pick up steam, but they need themes. I was working on one 
awhile ago, but as usual I took on too many projects at once.


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