Tim Wunder babbled on about:
> Declan Moriarty wrote:
> <snip>
> > BTW, is there some new virus going around? I'm getting mail from people
> > with a suitably technical subject line (Answering something I hadn't
> > asked) with gibberish (40K or so) with an audio/x-wav file; here's 2
> > names from recent ones
> >
> > YOU_ARE_FAT!.MP3.scr   or
> > NEWS_DOC.DOC.scr
> >
> > Neither of those files would be comfortable in windoze. M$ Outlook again?
> > And from memory, .scr is a screensaver, not an audio format
> Yep.
> It's one of the latest Winders worms, spreading by virtue of an
> un-patched MS Outlook. The tell-tale sign is two file extensions that
> are different, in the cases above .doc.scr and .mp3.scr. And while .scr
> may be a screensaver, I believe that Winders considers it executable and
> will run it if asked to by some user clicking on it.
> http://antivirus.about.com/library/weekly/aa112401a.htm
> Tim

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Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
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