S'il y en a qui peuvent aller à Strasbourg, il faut du monde!
Pas seulement pour profiter de l'hotel gratis...
----------  Message transmis  ----------

Subject: Software Patents Strasburg 2003/05/06-7: Hotel Beds for Free
Date: 27 May 2003 11:33:12 -0000

Dear FFII/Eurolinux Supporter[1]!

We need your presence at our next

    Meetings at the European Parliament in Strasburg

    tue/wed June 3.-4.

    tue/wed July 1.-2.

You get

    a bed in double room        FOR FREE
    a single room               FOR <=50 EUR

if you register before friday May 30 14.00 through the

    FFII Participation System

Thanks to our activities, we do not have a software patent
legalisation directive yet, and chances for avoiding it are not bad.

This time the focus is not on the hearings, which are planned to be
rather intimate educational meetings, but rather on having several
small delegations meet numerous MEPs for intensive sidetalks.

Please tick:

-- Which nights do you want to spend in Brussels

   [ ] June 3.-4.
   [ ] July 1.-2.

-- [ ] I want one room for myself alone
   [ ] I prefer a room for myself but wouldn't mind sharing
       if there is a shortage of beds. 
   [ ] I prefer a bed in a double room.
   [ ] I bring a sleeping bag and would like to stay at the home 
       of supporters in Brussels. 
   [ ] I already have a place to stay in Brussels.

-- [ ] I will try to make additional appointments with MEPs
       for FFII delegation

-- [ ] I am / will be familiar with the documentation whose
       reading is recommended on the event pages

-- For the entry to the European Parliament, we need your personal
   identification data[2]:

   sex (m/f): 
   domicile (place where you live):
   date of birth:

In case of questions, please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] rather than to me
personally, because I will be in London for a few days of work at the
UK Patent Office.  Out of work hours you can reach me at
+49-1728661737, but that usually makes less sense than ringing up the
FFII phone number listed below.

Thank you very much for your support!

Hartmut Pilch, FFII & Eurolinux Alliance              tel. +49-89-12789608   
Protecting Innovation against Patent Inflation
140,000 signatures against software patents


[1] You have registered via

    as a supporter of FFII/Eurolinux and thereby consented to receiving
    occasional mails, whose scope is strictly limited to enabling you to
    help support the cause.  If you disagree, you can downgrade your
    status from "supporter" to "user of the ffii information offers" or
    lower via the menu at the above URL, and you will no longer receive
    our mails.

    A small number of supporters may currently not have access to the
    system, due to inconsistency or incompleteness of login data.  We will
    solve all these cases and beg you to exercise patience for the moment.

[2] Privacy Note: While FFII will not retain these data, the European
    Parliament may do so.  You will also be photographed upon entry
    of the European Parliament.  If you do not like that, you can only
    attend the conference and the demo, but not the hearing.


Michel Aconin

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