Bonjour à tous,

Aujourd'hui sur vos mirroirs, la première version de la Kaella DVD, accompagnée de 3 projets libres :
  * Dogmazic : 770Mo de musique libre
* GeeXboX : distribution dédiée au multimédia et basée sur le lecteur MPlayer
  * CompileTeA : logiciels libres pour windows.

C'est, à ma connaissance, la première fois qu'un DVD regroupe autant de logiciels et musiques libres pour le grand public.

La version DVD de la Kaella, c'est plus de 4Go de logiciels au lieu d'un peu moins de 2 habituellement. Ci-dessous la liste des paquets supplémentaires.

Vos tests sont les bienvenus ;-)
À part quelques améliorations cosmétiques, cette version semble assez aboutie et devrait rapidement donner une RC.


Liste des paquets supplémentaires (3.2DVD vs 3.1.1) :
amarok versatile and easy to use audio player for K
amarok-engines                   output engines for the Amarok audio player
amarok-xine                      xine engine for the Amarok audio player
amsn                             An MSN messenger written in Tcl
amule-utils-gui                  graphic utilities for aMule
antlr language tool for constructing recognizers, at-spi Assistive Technology Service Provider Interf
atlantik                         KDE client for Monopoly-like network games
aumix-gtk Simple mixer control program with GUI and te
bb                               ASCII-art demo based on AAlib
blender Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer blinken KDE version of the Simon Says electronic mem
bluefish                         advanced Gtk+ HTML editor
bzflag                           a 3D first person tank battle game
chromium fast paced, arcade-style, scrolling space sh
cups-pdf                         PDF printer for CUPS
dasher                           A graphical predictive text input system
dia                              Diagram editor
dia-common                       Diagram editor (common files)
dia-libs                         Diagram editor (library files)
ding Graphical dictionary lookup program for Unix dpatch patch maintenance system for Debian source p ecj-bootstrap standalone version of the Eclipse Java compi
edict                            English / Japanese dictionary
efax                             programs to send and receive fax messages
elinks                           advanced text-mode WWW browser
emacs                            The GNU Emacs editor (metapackage)
emacs22                          The GNU Emacs editor
emacs22-bin-common The GNU Emacs editor's shared, architecture emacs22-common The GNU Emacs editor's shared, architecture
emacsen-common                   Common facilities for all emacsen
espeak                           A multi-lingual software speech synthesizer
evolution groupware suite with mail client and organiz evolution-common architecture independent files for Evolution evolution-exchange Exchange plugin for the Evolution groupware
fastjar                          Jar creation utility
fcmp                             Free media files for FreeCraft
festival general multi-lingual speech synthesis syste fftw3 library for computing Fast Fourier Transform
fgfs-base                        Flight Gear Flight Simulator -- base files
fillets-ng puzzle game about witty fish saving the worl
firefox                          Transition package for iceweasel rename
flight-of-the-amazon-queen       a fantasy adventure game
flightgear                       Flight Gear Flight Simulator
fluxbox Highly configurable and low resource X11 Win freeciv-client-gtk Civilization turn based strategy game (GTK+ freeciv-client-xaw3d Civilization turn based strategy game (Xaw3D freeciv-server Civilization turn based strategy game (serve freecraft Realtime fantasy strategy game for Unix and
frozen-bubble                    Pop out the bubbles !
gaim                             multi-protocol instant messaging client
gaim-encryption gaim plugin that provides transparent encryp gcj-4.1-base The GNU Compiler Collection (gcj base packag
gdk-imlib11                      imaging library for use with gtk
giflib-bin                       programs to convert GIF images
giflib3g                         shared library for GIF images (runtime lib)
gij-4.1                          The GNU Java bytecode interpreter
gjdoc documentation generation framework for java gnome-breakout Clone of the classic game Breakout, written gnome-doc-utils a collection of documentation utilities for
gnome-games                      games for the GNOME desktop
gnome-icon-theme                 GNOME Desktop icon theme
gramps Genealogical Research and Analysis Managemen
grisbi                           Personal finance management program
groff                            GNU troff text-formatting system
gtkam                            GTK+ application for digital still cameras
gtkhtml3.14 HTML rendering/editing library - bonobo comp
guile-1.6-libs                   Main Guile libraries
heroes-common Collect powerups and avoid your opponents' t heroes-sdl Collect powerups and avoid your opponents' t
heroes-sound-effects             Optional sound files for heroes
heroes-sound-tracks              Optional sound files for heroes
icedove-locale-de                German language package for IceDove
iceweasel-l10n-de                German language package for Iceweasel
indi Instrument Neutral Distributed Interface for
inkscape                         vector-based drawing program
irssi                            terminal based IRC client
irssi-plugin-icq                 ICQ plugin for irssi
irssi-scripts                    collection of scripts for irssi
iso-codes ISO language, territory, currency codes and
joe                              user friendly full screen text editor
jumpnbump                        cute multiplayer platform game with bunnies
kaffe                            A JVM to run Java bytecode
kaffe-common                     Files shared between all Kaffe VM versions
kaffe-pthreads A POSIX threads enabled version of the Kaffe
kalzium                          chemistry teaching tool for KDE
kanagram                         letter order game for KDE
kanjidic                         A Kanji Dictionary
kasteroids                       Asteroids for KDE
kbackgammon                      A Backgammon game for KDE
kblackbox                        A simple logical game for the KDE project
kbounce Jezzball clone for the K Desktop Environment
kbruch                           fraction calculation teaching tool for KDE
kde-i18n-de German (de) internationalized (i18n) files f kde-i18n-es Spanish (es) internationalized (i18n) files kde-i18n-it Italian (it) internationalized (i18n) files kde-i18n-ja Japanese (ja) internationalized (i18n) files kde-i18n-nl Dutch (nl) internationalized (i18n) files fo kde-i18n-pl Polish (pl) internationalized (i18n) files f kde-i18n-tr Turkish (tr) internationalized (i18n) files
kde-icons-crystal                Crystal icon theme for KDE
kdeedu educational apps from the official KDE relea kdeedu-doc-html KDE edutainment documentation in HTML format
kdegames                         games from the official KDE release
keduca                           interactive form-based tests for KDE
kenolaba                         Enolaba board game for KDE
kfilereplace                     batch search-and-replace component for KDE
kfouleggs                        A KDE clone of the Japanese PuyoPuyo game
kgeography                       Geography learning tool for KDE
kghostview                       PostScript viewer for KDE
kgoldrunner                      A KDE clone of the Loderunner arcade game
khangman                         the classical hangman game for KDE
kig                              interactive geometry program for KDE
kismet                           Wireless 802.11b monitoring tool
kiten                            Japanese reference/study tool for KDE
kjumpingcube                     Tactical one or two player game
klatin                           application to help revise/teach Latin
klettres                         foreign alphabet tutor for KDE
klickety                         A Clickomania-like game for KDE
klines                           Color lines for KDE
klinkstatus                      web link validity checker for KDE
kmines                           Minesweeper for KDE
kmplot                           mathematical function plotter for KDE
knetwalk                         A game for system administrators
knews                            Graphical threaded news reader
kolf                             Minigolf game for KDE
kommander                        visual dialog builder and executor tool
kompare a KDE GUI for viewing differences between fi
konquest                         KDE based GNU-Lactic Konquest game
kpat                             KDE solitaire patience game
kpercentage percentage calculation teaching tool for KDE
kpoker                           KDE based Poker clone
kqemu-common Common files for the QEMU Accelerator module
kqemu-source                     Source for the QEMU Accelerator module
ksame                            SameGame for KDE
kshisen                          Shisen-Sho for KDE
ksirtet                          Tetris and Puyo-Puyo games for KDE
ksmiletris                       Tetris like game for KDE
ksnake                           Snake Race for KDE
kspaceduel                       Arcade two-player space game for KDE
kstars                           desktop planetarium for KDE
ktouch                           touch typing tutor for KDE
ktron                            Tron clone for the K Desktop Environment
kturtle                          educational Logo programming environment
ktux                             Tux screensaver for KDE
kverbos                          Spanish verb form study application for KDE
kview                            simple image viewer/converter for KDE
kviewshell generic framework for viewer applications in
kvoctrain                        vocabulary trainer for KDE
kwin4                            Connect Four clone for KDE
kwordquiz flashcard and vocabulary learning program fo
ladcca2                          LADCCA shared library files
lbreakout2                       A ball-and-paddle game with nice graphics
lha                              lzh archiver
lskat                            Lieutnant Skat card game for KDE
manpages-de                      German manpages
minicom friendly menu driven serial communication pr
module-assistant                 tool to make module package creation easier
mysql-client mysql database client (meta package dependin
mysql-client-5.0                 mysql database client binaries
mysql-common mysql database common files (e.g. /etc/mysql
nasm                             General-purpose x86 assembler
openarena                        A fast-paced 3D first-person shooter
opencity                         a 3D city simulator game
openclipart                      Open Clip Art Library       clip art for gallery
openclipart-png                  clip art in PNG format
openclipart-svg                  clip art in SVG format           French help for
php4-cli command-line interpreter for the php4 script
php4-mysql                       MySQL module for php4
pingus                           Free Lemmings(TM) clone
planner                          project management application
plib1.8.4c2 Portability Libraries: Run-time package, sta
python-glade2                    GTK+ bindings: Glade support
python-gnome2 Python bindings for the GNOME desktop enviro
python-libxml2                   Python bindings for the GNOME XML library
python-pyorbit A Python language binding for the ORBit2 COR
qcad                             A professional CAD System
qemu                             fast processor emulator
qemu-launcher                    GTK+ front-end to QEMU computer emulator
qemulator a solution for easy setup and management of
quanta                           web development environment for KDE
rar                              Archiver for .rar files
ri-li                            a toy train simulation game
ruby1.8-examples                 Examples for Ruby 1.8
scribus                          Open Source Desktop Publishing
scummvm free implementation of LucasArts' S.C.U.M.M shared-mime-info shared MIME database and spe simgear0 Simulator Construction Gear -- shared librar
skencil                          Interactive vector drawing program for X11
supertux Classic 2D jump 'n run sidescroller with Tux
tcltls                           the TLS OpenSSL extension to Tcl
tellico                          collection manager for books, videos, music
tetex-doc The documentation component of the Debian te
thunderbird                      Transition package for icedove rename
thunderbird-locale-de            Transitional package for thunderbird rename
tidy                             HTML syntax checker and reformatter
timidity Software sound renderer (MIDI sequencer, MOD toppler clone of the "Nebulus" game on old 8 and 16
trans-de-en                      A German-English translation dictionary
transfig                         Utilities for converting XFig figure files
tshark                           network traffic analyzer (console)
ttf-dustin                       Various TrueType fonts from
ttf-gentium Transition package for ttf-sil-gentium renam ttf-kochi-gothic Kochi Subst Gothic Japanese TrueType font wi ttf-sil-gentium Gentium extended Unicode Latin font ("a type
ttf-sjfonts                      Some Juicy Fonts handwriting fonts
tuxtype                          Educational Typing Tutor Game Starring Tux
type1inst Install Adobe Type 1 fonts into X11 and Ghos unrar Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)
user-de                          Settings for German speaking users
verbiste                         a French conjugation system
w32codecs                        win32 binary codecs
wine Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binar
wireshark                        network traffic analyzer
wireshark-common                 network traffic analyser (common files)
xaos                             real-time interactive fractal zoomer
xine-ui                          the xine video player, user interface
xmms                             Versatile X audio player
xmms-cdread input plugin for XMMS that reads audio data xmms-goom visualization plug-in for XMMS with a variet
xmms-kde                         MP3 player integrated into the KDE panel
xmms-modplug                     ModPlug plugin for XMMS
xmms-volnorm XMMS plugin that gives all songs the same vo
xnest                            Nested X server
xpdf                             Portable Document Format (PDF) suite
xpdf-reader Portable Document Format (PDF) suite -- view
xsltproc                         XSLT command line processor
yelp                             Help browser for GNOME 2
zile                             very small emacs-like editor

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