Hi all- I am trying to get myself up to speed on server management in a Linux environment and in my research I keep running across your e-mail list serve. I have been doing a lot of reading and many times the information I am reading is contradictory. I am looking for some definitive answers on the following:
1) Does Linux support IPMI? If so how?
2) Why is their a preference for using Console Port Servers in Linux and Unix, while Windows tends to be KVM?  Is their a technical reason or is it simply 1) cost 2) text based management preference through CLI?
3) I read an article on Linux where in the serial section they indicate: "Linux supports ordinary telephone modems only if they work through a serial port (although the port may be built into the modem). Is this true? if it is true and someone wants to modem in then it must be done serially?
Thanks in advance.

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