#88: Add UHCI/OHCI/EHCI support to GRUB2
   Reporter:  uwe                |          Owner:  somebody               
       Type:  enhancement        |         Status:  new                    
   Priority:  major              |      Milestone:  Port GRUB2 to LinuxBIOS
  Component:  code               |        Version:                         
   Keywords:                     |   Dependencies:                         
Patchstatus:  there is no patch  |  
 As per

 > > FILO can already do usb/el torito cdrom boot, but it badly needs
 > > ehci support.
 > The FILO USB stack is not completely robust as I've understood
 > things. AFAIK it also only supports OHCI and neither UHCI nor the
 > quite desirable EHCI.

 UHCI is there. But I think the stack never worked except embedded in
 etherboot. If anyone wants to make a grub2 module out of it... ;)

Ticket URL: <http://tracker.linuxbios.org/trac/LinuxBIOS/ticket/88>
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