Dear LinuxBIOS readers!

This is the automated build check service of LinuxBIOS.

The developer "uwe" checked in revision 2709 to
the LinuxBIOS source repository and caused the following 

Change Log:
Tyan S1846: Minor fixes in static device tree (trivial):

 - Linux booted with the proprietary BIOS reports 2e.f as PS/2 mouse
   in the output of 'lspnp -v'.

 - The floppy on 2e.f was a typo, should have been 2e.e from the beginning.

Signed-off-by: Uwe Hermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Acked-by: Uwe Hermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Build Log:
Compilation of arima:hdama is still broken
See the error log at
Configuration of artecgroup:dbe61 is still broken
Compilation of ibm:e325 is still broken
See the error log at
Compilation of ibm:e326 is still broken
See the error log at
Compilation of iwill:dk8s2 is still broken
See the error log at
Compilation of iwill:dk8x is still broken
See the error log at

If something broke during this checkin please be a pain 
in uwe's neck until the issue is fixed.

If this issue is not fixed within 24h the revision should 
be backed out.

   Best regards,
     LinuxBIOS automatic build system

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