Dear LinuxBIOS readers!

This is the automated build check service of LinuxBIOS.

The developer "hailfinger" checked in revision 2955 to
the LinuxBIOS source repository and caused the following 

Change Log:
Fix the remaining issues with GA-M57SLI Super I/O GPIO configuration.

With this patch, flashing the parallel EEPROM on board revisions 1.x
finally works. Flashing the serial EEPROM of board revisions 2.x is just
one patch away.

Torsten Duwe says:
Flash erase on my board was failing reliably. Now it works!

Andreas B. Mundt says:
For the first time I was able to write with flashrom and LB.
$flashrom -Vv --write linuxbios.rom
Vendor ID: GIGABYTE, part ID: m57sli
Found chipset "NVIDIA MCP55", enabling flash write... OK.
SST49LF040B found at physical address 0xfff80000.
Flash part is SST49LF040B (512 KB).
LinuxBIOS last image size (not ROM size) is 4096 bytes.
Manufacturer: GIGABYTE
Mainboard ID: m57sli
This firmware image matches this motherboard.
Programming page: 0007 at address: 0x00070000
Verifying flash... VERIFIED.

Signed-off-by: Carl-Daniel Hailfinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Acked-by: Torsten Duwe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Tested-by: Andreas B. Mundt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Tested-by: Torsten Duwe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Build Log:
Compilation of agami:aruma is still broken
See the error log at
Compilation of amd:serengeti_cheetah is still broken
See the error log at
Compilation of asus:a8v-e_se is still broken
See the error log at
Compilation of iwill:dk8_htx is still broken
See the error log at

If something broke during this checkin please be a pain 
in hailfinger's neck until the issue is fixed.

If this issue is not fixed within 24h the revision should 
be backed out.

   Best regards,
     LinuxBIOS automatic build system

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