We've been having occasional problems with content filtering, particularly by the orvis.com mail server. The problem occurs when the receiving mail server rejects or "quarantines" a message due to "unacceptable" content, which could range from vulgar profanities through mild expletives through rough speech and even so far as a subscriber's name.
Our policy has been to contact the recipient, tell them to find a new email address if they wish to continue receiving our list, and then unsubscribe their orvis.com address. (Orvis is the only one I've run into that does this so far.) We're stepping that up and also asking anyone on the list who receive a "quarantine" notice for something they've posted to the list to forward the notice to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> so we can take appropriate action. Here's the new section in the list FAQ: - - - Do you block any specific domains? We are firmly committed to the free exchange of information on our lists. Some mail servers censor incoming email -- orvis.com in particular. We don't take preemptive action against subscribers using such mail servers, but we do reserve the right to unceremoniously unsubscribe them without advance notice when their content filters "quarantine" list messages. - - - -- Dan Knight, president, Cobweb Publishing, Inc. <http://cobwebpublishing.com> <http://lowendmac.com> <http://digital-views.com> <http://digigraphica.com> <http://lowendpc.com> <http://reformed.net> Mediocrity thrives on standardization. -- LisaList is sponsored by <http://lowendmac.com/> and... Shop buy.com and save. <http://lowendmac.com/ad/buy.com.html> Support Low End Mac <http://lowendmac.com/lists/support.html> LisaList info: <http://lowendmac.com/lists/lisa.html> Send list messages to: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To unsubscribe, email: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> For digest mode, email: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subscription questions: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Archive: <http://www.mail-archive.com/lisalist%40mail.maclaunch.com/> Using a Macintosh? Get free email and more at Applelinks! <http://www.applelinks.com>