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>Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 01:20:02 -0400 (EDT)
>From: Chuck Mead <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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>Subject: Blocking TLD's
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Russ and all,
Looks like some more abuse on the part of AOL, which is
by the way one of ICANN's dubious "Test Bed Registrars".
Kinda figures that ICANN would be engaged in these sort
of dubious activities.
It seems yet again that the NTIA need to assert it's authority
in conjunction with it'
The FTC ruled today that opt-out rules will apply in privacy with
respect to
children on the net. This could have broad reaching implications
in DNS and IPv6 issues.
See: http://www.ftc.gov/opa/1999/9910/childfinal.htm
Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman INEGroup (Over 95k members
Joop Teernstra wrote:
> unless these rules are substantially rewritten in the light of comments
> received from the community, it seems almost inevitable that no
> *independent* at large membership will come into being.
That's precisely what the Board wants: an at-large membership made
up of I
On 20-Oct-99 Jeff Williams wrote:
> Joe and all,
> In many ways I think that Joe here is right. As I suggested
> when
> the IDNO first was conceived I recommended in part that growing
> in
> number of members should be a top priority. It seems that that
> recommendation was not shared amon
Joe and all,
In many ways I think that Joe here is right. As I suggested when
the IDNO first was conceived I recommended in part that growing in
number of members should be a top priority. It seems that that
recommendation was not shared amongst it's "Founders".
What has been predominant i
On Wed, 20 Oct 1999, Joop Teernstra wrote:
> Failure or capture of the AL membership makes it even more important for
> Individual Domain Name Owners to press for their admission into the DNSO.
No it does not. The idno, if the at large membership does not know is in
disarray. You people spend