> Congrats .. looks like your on the list. Now my question is why is
well, I'll be damned. beatsa hell outta me!
of course, Esther has been a Loyal EGR Irregular in Good Standing
from Jump Street. maybe she stuck me on there. or John Patrick
at IBM, whom I used to work with in that il
I think I know why. This is an ancient list. Toru and Eric Jensen are on
it too. They don't have those email addresses any more. Some one got
this from an ancient distribution list. Who knows where.
More history ...
At 12:52 PM 9/26/97 , Jay Fenello wrote:
>Has Don come to his senses?
>The Wall Street Journal 09/19/97 00:00
> Technology and Telecommunications --
> Net Interest: A Plan To Change the Name Game
> By Jennifer L. Schenker