The deadline for nominations, statements of support for a nomination, and
statements of acceptance is tomorrow, October 8th, (18:00 CET) (see for local time in other places).

The list of nominees to date, suppporters, and the template to submit
support are all posted at:

The following individuals have accepted the nomination as of today:

            1999/09/19 Karl Auerbach
            1999/09/20 Nii Quaynor
            1999/09/23 Dan Steinberg
            1999/09/23 Alejandro Pisanty
            1999/09/25 Edmundo Valenti
            1999/09/28 Jason N Hendeles
            1999/10/06 Peter Dengate-Thrush
            1999/10/06 Stefano Trumpy
            1999/10/06 Dany Vandromme
            1999/10/07 Jonathan Cohen
            1999/10/07 David W. Maher
            1999/10/07 Donald N. Telage

Several others have qualified for nomination (received 10 support comments)
but have not yet accepted the nomination.

For those of you who aren't following the convolutions of ICANN, the Names
Council will chose three new members of the ICANN board from the list of
nominees who have accepted.    The three must be from different geographic

Ellen Rony                         ____             The Domain Name Handbook
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