The following newsbit was published on 10/28 by Tipworld:

Web domain registrations soar

Network Solutions (NSOL) said it added 1.3 million new Internet domain
names in the third quarter of the year. The company said that's a gain
of 160 percent from a year ago. At the end of September, Network
Solutions said its cumulative total of Net registrations was over 6.5
million. Research from NPD Online recently reported almost half of Net
users are expected to have personal Web sites by spring. Hobbies were
the most frequently mentioned reason for having a Web page. One fourth
of those surveyed already do, 30 percent plan to get one. The NPD
survey was conducted in September and included 2,061 members of its
online survey panel.

Note: ". . . almost half of Net users are expected to have personal Web
sites by spring".

What voice will they have in ICANN except to elect an At Large Council that
selects members to the board?  Given the current membership structure, what
is the incentive for these individuals to join ICANN?

Ellen Rony                         ____             The Domain Name Handbook
Co-author                      ^..^     )6
+1 (415) 435-5010              (oo) -^--                     ISBN 0879305150
Tiburon, CA                        W   W               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           DOT COM is the Pig Latin of the Information Age

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