On Mon, 7 Aug 2000, Gomes, Chuck wrote:

> Correction:  The representative from Network Solutions (namely myself) did
> NOT advise that "the list and all associated resources under the domain
> Internic.net were being terminated by the Department of Commerce."  I
> informed list participants that the address of the list was changing from
> internic.net to netsol.com and that no other changes were being made.  I
> also clearly said that this was an action initiated by NSI, not DoC, because
> DoC had no association with the list.  DoC's only connection was their
> association with the condition negotiated in Amendment 19 requiring NSI to
> cease using the InterNIC name not later than November 10, 2000.
> Considerable inconvenience?
> What archives are closing down?
> Millions of broken links?

Well Chuck - here's a question for you - if I click on the following link:


after all these changes are in place - will this link still work - YES or
NO.  If you answer YES - then I have no dispute.  If your answer is NO -
then my statement stands as being correct.  In fact - millions of broken
links is an understatement - hundreds of millions maybe more accurate.

Joe Baptista

                                        dot.GOD Hostmaster
                                        +1 (805) 753-8697

> -----Original Message-----
> From: !Dr. Joe Baptista [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, August 07, 2000 9:58 AM
> Subject: protest to DOC on Internic
> The dot.GOD Registry
> August 7, 2000
> The Honorable Norman Y. Mineta
> Office of the Secretary, Room 5854
> U.S. Department of Commerce
> 14th & Constitution Ave. NW
> Washington, DC 20230
> Fax:    202-482-2741
> Dear Mr. Secretary:
> This letter will serve to bring to your attention an issue of some
> importance.  This weekend participants to the domain policy lists were
> advised by a representative of Network Solutions that the list and all
> associated resources under the domain Internic.net were being terminated
> by the Department of Commerce.
> This action initiated by one Becky Burr will result in considerable
> inconvenience to the Internet community.  I also suspect it is yet another
> attempt by your department to bury an official record of domain
> issues.  The Internic archives located at lists.internic.net  is one of
> the largest repositories of issues concerning domain names.  These
> archives go back to 1996 and the contributions to it come from every walk
> of life on the Internet.
> By closing down these archives your department's actions will result in
> millions of broken links on the World Wide Web which depend on this
> Department of Commerce resource.
> I doubt this letter will result in any reversal of your department's
> action.  Therefore, I hereby request access to the records under FOIA
> laws.  Please provide me with access to all records and items in paper
> form or electronic format which originate from myself, or are replies or
> topics associated with myself, and or the organization "The dot.GOD
> Registry", and or any item dealing with the top level domain for GOD.
> Sincerely,
> J. Baptista, Hostmaster & Director
> The dot.GOD Registry

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