Dear list Admin and all,

  The only problem with this announcment is it is in part
after the fact.  It is now October 4th and the "Next"
telecom has already been heard...  I might also add,
thereby in violation of the ICANN bylaws.  :(

DNSO Listadmin wrote:

> [ from]
>     DNSO Names Council Teleconference on September 23rd, 1999 - results
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> September 23, 1999.
> Proposed agenda and related documents:
> NC telecon with participation of Andrew McLaughlin
> Adopted agenda:
>   1. Election of Permanent Names Council Members
>   2. Comments on "Proposed Bylaws Amendments Recommended by ICANN Staff"
>   3. Procedure of Election of ICANN Board Members
>      Mathematical algorithm for Election of ICANN Board Members
> Postponed items to the next NC telecon on September 30th:
>   1. Schedule of Meetings In LA (postponed two times, emergency)
>   2. The DNSO Business Plan and Budget (postponed two times, emergency)
>   3. Amadeu's motion on DN warehousing (postponed two times)
>   4. The issue of meeting procedures (postponed)
> Next telecon will be held on September 30th, same time.
> The Chair will be Dennis Jennings (ccTLD)
> The secretariat will provide an agenda
> The NC may consider to held the special telecon with all nominees for the
> election of ICANN Board members.
> List of attendees:
>    Tony Harris             ISPCP
>    Hirofumi Hotta          ISPCP
>    Michael Schneider       ISPCP
>    Jon Englund             Business
>    Javier Sola             Business
>    Theresa.Swinehart       Business
>    Amadeu Abril i Abril    Registrars
>    Ken Stubbs              Registrars
>    Richard Lindsay         Registrars
>    Don Telage              gTLD
>    Ted Shapiro             IP                absent
>    Caroline Chicoine       IP
>    Jonathan Cohen          IP
>    Dennis Jennings         ccTLD
>    Patricio Poblete        ccTLD
>    Nigel Roberts           ccTLD             absent
>    Raul Echeberria         NCDNH             absent
>    Kathryn Kleiman         NCDNH
>    Youn Jung Park          NCDNH
>    Ben Edelman             Berkman Center, webcast
>    Elisabeth Porteneuve    DNSO Secretariat
> Chair Dennis Jennings (ccTLD)
> Quorum present
>    * Election of Permanent Names Council Members
>      Issues:
>        a. timescale
>        b. respect of the ICANN Bylaws
>        c. report from the ICANN side (applications and waivers received)
>        d. report from Constituencies
>      Conclusions:
>      ICANN received four applications and three requests for a waiver. The
>      request for a waiver from ccTLD will not be accepted, as they do not
>      have any difficulty to be complient with Bylaws.
>      The three constituencies that have formally applied for waivers of the
>      geographic diversity rules will be granted 90-day waivers. Those three
>      constituencies are the ccTLDs; the registrars; and the IPC.
>      ICANN shall receive from every Constituency an application for
>      permanent recognition. Such application shall clairely state the
>      constituency abide by ICANN Bylaws. Every Constituency should have sent
>      a formal application, even if it is the same as the original charter.
>      The three constituencies not compliant with geographic diversity
>      requirement based on the citizenship shall solve this problem within
>      90-days and include into their applications the formal statement they
>      will abide by ICANN Bylaws.
>      It is not clear when starts the waiver period (before or after the
>      elections for ICANN Board ?).
>    * Comments on "Proposed Bylaws Amendments Recommended by ICANN Staff"
>        a. Article VI, section 4 of ICANN Bylaws.
>      Comments by Andrew McLaughlin
>      The proposed amendment is implied by ICANN Bylaws, need to be
>      explicited. The elected ICANN Board Members serve the community as a
>      whole. Matter of fairness and conflict of interest. Basis rule of
>      american corporations - one cannot vote on matters where there is
>      personnal interest. There is a perception that unless you draw a line,
>      there is an unfair advantage and the corresponding disadvantage. If the
>      general feeling is that if a rule gives a significant advantage, then
>      it is harmfull to the legitimacy. If a Constituency has provisions in
>      its articles on replacement of NC representatives, then this
>      Constituency can manage vote.
>      Long debate.
>      For one constituency -- gTLD -- if the current representative intend to
>      run for election, the constituency loose its votes.
>      Some geographic regions are concerned, that the proposed rule diminish
>      chances of region to have representatives on the ICANN Board.
>      Some NC representatives feel that the NC has obligation to the DNSO and
>      the responsability that whoever is elected to the Board is representing
>      entity not Constituency. The NC have to listen the concerns outside
>      about fairness, and how the vote is conduct.
>      Some feel that no matter the final decision, the rules should not be
>      changed for this election.
>      Conclusion.
>      Any comment on the proposed amendments shall be officialy sent to the
>      appropriate ICANN mailing list before September 27th, next Board
>      telecon.
>    * Procedure of Election of ICANN Board Members
>      Mathematical algorithm for Election of ICANN Board Members
>      Issues:
>        a. timescale
>        b. two proposal received, from Javier Sola (Convention-Style in
>           single step) and Dennis Jennings (STV)
>        c. Andrew Mclaughlin advice on procedure
>        d. the NC resolved on September 15th to take the final decision today
>      Andrew Mclaughlin advice on procedure.
>      Andrew explicited Convention-Style voting and suggested to vote in
>      rounds.
>      It was pointed out that the STV request a blind vote, and may bring an
>      inappropriate agregate (no respect of GD, no respect of different
>      interests). The STV gives no possibility to adjust after the first and
>      second elected. The STV is not used in small electorates, but is good
>      in large ones.
>      The Convention-Style in rounds has an advantage - gives the possibility
>      to adjust subsequent votes.
>      Debate.
>      The debate included considerations that all regions elect all regions,
>      which means that minoritarian regions are elected with the support of
>      majoritarian ones. It was objected that there is no point to have every
>      region electing only its representation, everybody should think global.
>      The poll about mecanism was taken: Convention-Style with rounds vs
>      Convention-Style single step. 7 abstentions (3 NC reps absent from the
>      telecon, Dennis, Ken, YJP, Jon); 3 votes for single (Javier, Hiro,
>      Kathryn); 8 votes for rounds (Caroline, Jonathan, Richard, Amadeu,
>      Michael, Don, Theresa, Patricio).
>      It was resolved that Andrew and Elisabeth work together just after the
>      telecon and give proposal. Few hours will be allowed for comments. The
>      final procedure will be published 48 hours in late on schedule adopted
>      on September 15th, i.e. no later that Sunday September 26, end of
>      morning CET time.
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                  Information from:  © DNSO Names Council


Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman INEGroup (Over 95k members strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
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